Plot Setup Tool - nickcounts/MDRT GitHub Wiki
This interface allows the configuration and generation of plots from imported MDRT data. Graph configurations can be saved for later use on other data sets. This tool allows up to three subplots on one graph, stacked vertically.
The title of the Plot Configuration window shows what data set is currently selected. Any data streams plotted will come from that data set.
GUI Controls
Graph Title
The contents of this text box will be displayed as a graph title for the entire generated graph. This edit box allows superscripts and subscripts by using ^ and _ characters, respectively. For example, ^oF produces °F.
Future versions will allow tags that automatically import metadata. Example: [operation-name] produces A230 Stage Test.
Subplot 1, 2, and 3 Title
These text boxes are for the titles for the subplots. Descriptive names with units are recommended. Example: "Storage Vessel Pressures (psig)"
Plot On Checkbox
The default configuration is one plot per graph. If additional plots are desired, check the appropriate "Plot On" checkbox. When plots are checked "on," the relevant controls are enabled. De-activating a plot does not remove any configurations that have been entered, but simply ignores them when the plot is generated.
Plot Contents list boxes
Each subplot contents list box shows the data streams that have been added to the subplot. Data streams are added in the order they are listed. The currently selected data stream is highlighted in blue. To re-arrange data streams, use the "Arrange Data Streams" tools.
Arrange Data Streams Panel
Delete Stream
Removes the selected data stream
Move Up
Moves the selected data stream up one spot in the data stream list.
Move Down
Moves the selected data stream down one spot in the data stream list.
Left and Right buttons
Between each subplot listbox are a pair of buttons with > and < symbols. These buttons move the selected data stream between subplots.
Data Stream Selection
The current version of the Plot Configuration Tool uses a dropdown menu for data stream selection. Click the dropdown and select the desired data stream from the list. Entries with find numbers are usually listed with the number at the beginning of the line to allow easy finding.
Example: "ECS DCVNC-5245" is listed as "5245 - ECS DCVNC-5245 Valve State." You can jump to this valve by selecting the list and typing "5245." The selection will jump to the appropriate entry.
Future versions will incorporate the search functionality used in the Data Comparison Tool.
Add Data Stream Button
This control adds the data stream selected in the Data Stream Selection dropdown to the currently selected subplot data stream list. To select a target subplot, simply click inside the desired target list. The selected listbox border will change color to indicate it is the active target.
Generate Graph
This button generates a graph based on the state of the configuration tool.
Toolbar Buttons
New, Save, and Load buttons
New clears the tool and starts over with a blank plot configuration.
Save opens a dialog to save a graph configuration file (.gcf) that contains the information active in the configuration tool.
Load opens a dialog to load a graph configuration file. The loaded configuration will populate the configuration tool from the .gcf file.
Settings and Help are placeholders for future additions. These tools are currently inactive.