PCTCompileExt - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki

⚠️ This page is not relevant anymore. Please use PCTCompile documentation.


This task is a rewrite of PCTCompile ; the only difference is this task is using a background Progress session, and the Java part controls the compilation. This allows more things : one example could be using custom mappers (see examples).

Warning : there are some discrepancies between the original PCTCompile task and this one ; if you encounter a bug, please first test using PCTCompile before opening an issue. Bugs in PCTCompile are always considered first.

XML namespace

<pct:compile_ext />


Attribute Description
numThreads Starts n parallel compilation threads. Default value is 1.
destDir ‡ Directory where to put compiled code
minSize Compile using option MIN-SIZE=<value>
MD5 Compile using option GENERATE-MD5=<value>
streamIO Compile using option STREAM-IO=<value>
v6Frame Compile using option V6FRAME=<value>
runList Generates a .run file for each compiled file, which summarizes RUN statements
Listing Generates a listing file for each compiled file (LISTING attribute of COMPILE statement). Generated file name is identical to source file name.
Preprocess Generates a preprocessed file for each compiled file (PREPROCESS attribute of COMPILE statement). Generated file name appends .preprocess to source file name.
preprocessDir Target directory where preprocessed files are written
DebugListing Generates a debug-listing file for each compiled file (DEBUG-LIST attribute of COMPILE statement). Generated file name appends .dbg to file name
debugListingDir Target directory where debug listing files are written
keepXref Keeps the generated XREF file for each file. Generated file name replaces extension of source file name with .xref
failOnError If task should end just after a failed file compilation
noXRef Don't use XREF when compiling or when reading files to compile
noParse Always recompile, and skip XREF generation as well as .crc and .inc files
XRefDir Where PCT files (CRC, includes, preprocess, listing and debug-listing) should be created
forceCompile Always compile everything
XCode Compiles using XCODE option
XCodeKey Sets specific key for encrypted procedures
noCompile Just prints files to recompile with the reason why, without executing COMPILE statement
Languages Identifies which language segments to include in the compiled r-code. LANGUAGES option of the COMPILE statement
textGrowth TEXT-SEG-GROWTH option of the COMPILE statement
multiCompile Set COMPILER:MULTI-COMPILE attribute
relativePaths Use relative paths instead of absolute paths for propath and filesets
† Only one of those attributes is mandatory ‡ Mandatory attribute

PCTCompile inherits attributes from PCT and PCTRun.

Parameters as nested elements

Adds a file set to the file list to compile

Adds a custom mapper


<PCTCompileExt destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src">
    <include name="**/*.p"/>
    <exclude name="test/**"/>
    <pathelement path="src/include"/>
  <mapper type="flatten" />

Compiles every .p in src directory (and subdirs) except those from src/test, with PROPATH set to src/include, and put .r in build directory (removing any subdirectory reference), i.e. src/foo/bar.p results in build/bar.r

<PCTCompileExt destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src">
    <include name="**/*.p"/>
    <regexpmapper from="^(.*)\.p$$" to="\1renamed.r" />
    <regexpmapper from="^(.*)\.t$$" to="triggers/\1.r" />

Compiles every .p in src directory (and subdirs), and apply a regexp for resulting file : any .p file results in a .r file appended with renamed, and any .t file results in .r file compiled in triggers directory.

<PCTCompileExt numThreads="3" destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src">
    <include name="**/*.p"/>
    <include name="**/*.w"/>

Compiles every .p and .w in src directory (and subdirs), with 3 compilation threads.

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