PCTCompile - niandy/pct GitHub Wiki


Compiles OpenEdge procedures and classes.

XML namespace

<pct:compile />


Attribute Description Default value
destDir Directory where to put compiled code None
stopOnError If set to true, stop compilation as soon as an error occurs. True.
numThreads Starts n parallel compilation threads. Don't use multiple threads when compiling classes. 1
multiCompile Change COMPILER:MULTI-COMPILE attribute. False
minSize Boolean value of MIN-SIZE option. False
MD5 Boolean value of GENERATE-MD5 option. False
streamIO Boolean value of STREAM-IO option. False
v6Frame Boolean value of V6FRAME option. False
useUnderline USE-UNDERLINE option of V6FRAME False
useRevVideo USE-REVVIDEO option of V6FRAME False
runList True to generate a .run file for each compiled file, which summarizes RUN statements False
listing Boolean value of LISTING option. Generated file name is identical to source file name, and is stored in xrefDir False
listingSource Generates listing file from preprocessed source code (value preprocessor) or from standard source code (empty value or not defined). False
preprocess Boolean value of PREPROCESSattribute. Generated file name appends .preprocess to source file name, and is stored in preprocessDir. False
preprocessDir Target directory where preprocessed files are written. <destDir>/.pct
debugListing Boolean value of DEBUG-LIST option. Generated file name appends .dbg to file name, and is stored in debugListingDir. False
debugListingDir Target directory where debug listing files are written. destDir/.pct
flattenDebugListing Flattens directory structure for debug listing files True
stringXref Boolean value of STRING-XREFoption. Generated file name appends .strxref to source file name. False
appendStringXref Appends STRING-XREF to a single file. False
keepXref Keeps the generated XREF file for each file. Generated file name replaces extension of source file name with .xref. False
noParse Always recompile, and skip XREF generation as well as .crc and .inc files. False
xrefDir Target directory where PCT files (CRC, includes, preprocess, listing) will be created. <destDir>/.pct
xmlXref Generates XREF in XML format. False.
forceCompile Always compile everything. False.
xcode Compiles using XCODE option. Disables XREF and LISTING options. False.
xcodeKey Sets specific key for encrypted procedures. Deprecated: use XCodeSessionKey attribute in PCTRun None
languages Comma-separated list of language segments to include in the compiled r-code. LANGUAGES option of the COMPILE statement None
textGrowth TEXT-SEG-GROWTH option of the COMPILE statement. None
relativePaths Use relative paths instead of absolute paths for propath and filesets. Every fileset dir has to be in propath. False
progPerc Show progression percentage every x percent. 0 (not displayed)
displayFiles 1 will display files to be recompiled (and reason). 2 will display all files. 0 doesn't display anything 0 (no display)
requireFullKeywords Strict-mode compiler option (11.7+). Output redirected to .warnings files in .pct directory False
requireFullNames Strict-mode compiler option (11.7+). Output redirected to .warnings files in .pct directory False
requireFieldQualifiers Strict-mode compiler option (11.7+). Output redirected to .warnings files in .pct directory False

† Only one of those attributes is mandatory ‡ Mandatory attribute

PCTCompile inherits attributes from PCT and PCTRun.

Parameters as nested elements

Files to be compiled

Adds a custom mapper


Example 1

<PCTCompile destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src">
    <include name="**/*.p"/>
    <exclude name="test/**"/>
    <pathelement path="src/include"/>

Compiles every .p in src directory (and subdirs) except those from src/test, with PROPATH set to src/include, and put .r in build directory.

Example 2

<PCTCompile destDir="build" dlcHome="${DLC}" relativePaths="true">
  <fileset dir="custom" />
  <fileset dir="main">
    <present present="srconly" targetdir="custom" />
    <pathelement location="custom" />
    <pathelement location="main" />

Compiles every file in custom and main directory, but skipping files in main where a file with same name is present in custom. Documentation on <present> selector can be found here.

Relative paths example

Consider the following file in src/foo/bar/test.p :

MESSAGE '{&FILE-NAME}' { foo/test.i }.

With the following include inc/foo/test.i :


And this build file :

<path id="compilation.propath">
  <pathelement path="src;inc" />
<PCTCompile destDir="build1" dlcHome="${DLC}" relativePaths="false">
  <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.p" />
  <propath refid="compilation.propath" />
<PCTCompile destDir="build1" dlcHome="${DLC}" relativePaths="true">
  <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.p" />
  <propath refid="compilation.propath" />

If you execute build1/foo/bar/test.r and then build2/foo/bar/test.r, you'll see :

# Using relativePaths=false
/absolute/path/to/src/foo/bar/test.p /absolute/path/to/inc/foo/test.i
# Using relativePaths=true
src/foo/bar/test.p inc/foo/test.i

With relativePaths=false, if you compile the same code in two different directories, you end up with different rcode (CRC and MD5 won't match). This can also be a problem when using TranMan : it's database contains either absolute or relative paths to file names, and if you have a different name, TranMan won't find the translation.

Example 4

<typedef resource="types.properties" />
<PCTCompile destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src">
    <include name="**/*.p"/>
    <exclude name="test/**"/>
    <pathelement path="src/include"/>
    <flattenmapper />
    <rcodemapper /> <!-- Don't forget typedef declaration -->

Compiles every .p in src directory (and subdirs) except those from src/test, with PROPATH set to src/include, and put .r in build directory (removing any subdirectory reference), i.e. src/foo/bar.p results in build/bar.r

Example 5

<PCTCompile destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.p" />
    <regexpmapper from="^(.*)\.p$$" to="\1renamed.r" />
    <regexpmapper from="^(.*)\.t$$" to="triggers/\1.r" />

Compiles every .p in src directory (and subdirs), and apply a regexp for resulting file : any .p file results in a .r file appended with renamed, and any .t file results in .r file compiled in triggers directory.

Example 6

<PCTCompile numThreads="4" destDir="build" dlcHome="${env.DLC}">
  <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.p,**/*.w" />
  <DBConnection dbName="sports" dbDir="target/db" readOnly="true" />

Compiles every .p and .w in src directory (and subdirs), with 4 compilation threads, connected to sports database in read-only mode (no need for a database broker).

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