Class documentation templates upgraded (Mike Fechner)
Test cases profiling
GC Bug #47 (on Google Code) : problem when importing XREF lines longer than 2000 chars
Added new task that shouldn't be named
Updated ProUnit task
QUIT statements can be trapped by PCTRun
RestGen task - First attempt
GC Bug #49 (on Google Code) : added v6frame attribute to PCTCompile / PCTCompileExt (legians)
Added relative and largeFiles attributes to PCTCreateBase (Carl Verbiest)
Separate rcode for 11.2 and 11.3
Running PCT with no PL in pct.jar was broken since build #183
Added stopOnError attribute to PCTCompile
Added OEFileSet nested parameter to PCTCompile
INI file attribute is skipped if file can't be found
QA Build #184 (December 17th, 2013)
Fix for OE 11.3 64bits on Windows
Updated parser.jar : fixed isAbstract and isFinal on method nodes
Added newInstance attribute in PCTCreateBase (Paul Moberg)
Added debugPCT attribute to PCTLibrary (GC bug #45 (on Google Code))
Added method to read debug listing value in rcode
GC bug #42 (on Google Code) : <propath> not required anymore in ClassDocumentation
New code documentation tool from Consultingwerk
QA Build #183 (September 25th, 2013)
Upgrading to Ant 1.9.1
Added multiTenant attribute to PCTCreateBase (by Havi)
Removed overwrite attribute in PCTCreateBase
Added collation option to PCTCreateBase (by Havi)
Added appendStringXref to PCTCompile (by Havi)
Added progPerc to PCTCompile (by Havi)
Added codepage options to PCTLibrary (by Havi)
New fields in XML schema output (by Havi)
Fixed some codepages issues in PCTRun (by Havi)
Added removeEmptyDFFile to PCTDumpIncremental (by Havi)
Some code reorg
Missing isFinal field in method documentation
GC bug #30 (on Google Code) : unable to reference pct:db_connection in PCT tasks
GC bug #32 (on Google Code) : Procedure attribute in PCTRun is required
Version 1.0 aka build #179 (June 9th, 2013)
Added stringXref attribute in PCTCompile/PCTCompileExt (by Havilog)
Added saveR attribute in PCTCompile/PCTCompileExt (by Havilog)
Added assemblies attribute in PCTRun
activeIndexes attribute is now an integer with following options (by Havilog)
0 = all indexes active
1 = all unique indexes inactive
2 = all indexes inactive
Added ProLint task
Added encoding attribute to PCTDumpData
Added streamIO to PCTCompile/PCTCompileExt
Added OE 11 support
Added PCTDumpSequences task
Fixed bug #11 (on Google Code) (connection errors in PCTBgRun)
Added online attribute to PCTLoadSchema
PCTRun now accept DBConnection (replaces PCTConnection)
Rewrote TestNG tests in PCT, so that it's really easier to execute them under different OS and OpenEdge versions
Fixed bug #15 (on Google Code) : long file names in PCTLibrary
Upgrading to ANT 1.8.4
Correct behavior when working with different combinations of cpstream
Added preprocessDir attribute to PCTCompile/PCTCompileExt
Added ClassDocumentation task (JDK 6 required)
Added HTMLDocumentation task (OpenEdge 11.1 Windows required)
PCTConnection is now a DataType, thus can be declared in projet, and referenced in various tasks
Added sports2000 task
Using Java 5 syntax. This means that when working with old versions of Progress, you can't use the bundled JRE
Added verbose attribute in PCTRun
PCTLoadSchema now supports nested filesets
Added DlcHome task
Added relativePaths attribute in PCTCompile/PCTCompileExt
Added preprocessDir and debugListingDir in PCTCompile/PCTCompileExt
Added Profiler attribute to PCTRun
PCTLoadSchema, PCTCreateBase and PCTCompile now accept ResourceCollection instead of FileSets
Fixed bug #29 (on Google Code)
Added twoPass compilation attribute in PCTCompile
Added DBConnectionSet data type
Version 0.18 (02/21/2011)
dbName is no longer required in PCTConnection. You have to use either dbName or paramFile. Allows full DB connection strings in paramFile
noError attribute in PCTAlias is handled correctly
Fixed incremental dump in 10.1C - Bug report by Jens Haubold
Fixed PLReader
Version 0.17 (02/07/2011)
Several improvements on PLReader. Still one bug remaining when extracting
Removed PLExtract task, in favor of PLFileSet type which can be nested in any FileSet capable task
Only in read tasks, PCTLibrary still needs to be used when creating libraries
Replaced CRCDifferent with RCodeSelector. Now able to use MD5 to compare r-code
Another bug when XREF when importing XREF on classes. Bug reported by Sascha Hofmann
Added environment variables to PCT tasks
If dlcHome attribute isn't set, try to use DLC property then DLC environment variable
PCTConnection was not allowing user name with no password. Enhancement by Sascha Hofmann
Upgrading to ANT 1.8
Edit : To 1.8.1
Edit : To 1.8.2
Changed the way $DLC/version is parsed. Thanks to Matt Baker for reporting bug and additional infos
Adding languages and textSegGrowth attributes to PCTCompile and PCTCompileExt tasks
Corrected warning message when compiling classes
antlib.xml for pct namespace was not included in JAR file
Updated documentation for pct namespace
Changed setPropath to addPropath in PCTRun, so that multiple propath definitions can be combined
Cleanup when tasks create a new subtask instance. Fixed a bug when using pct namespace
GC Bug #1 (on Google Code) : upgraded pct/_dmpincr.p to 10.2B
Added PCTVersion task
If is not available for your version of Progress, fall back to source code. Compilation licence required in this case.
Reads PCT-SRC property from the command line, to force source code instead of compiled version
GC Bug #2 (on Google Code) : more detailed error messages during connection (patch by Dan Dragut)
Version 0.16 (10/01/2009)
Removed ping for statistics
Corrected bug when importing XREF on classes. Bug reported by Wytze Vlasman
Version 0.15 (08/29/2009)
Added brokerLogFileAppend and serverLogFileAppend attributes to PCTASBroker and PCTWSBroker
Added keepXref attribute in PCTCompile
Corrected documentation for msgBufferSize attribute in PCTRun
Added jvmarg option to PCTProxygen
Added numThreads attribute in PCTCompileExt...
... And rewrote PCTBgRun task
Server ping for statistics
Version 0.14 (12/03/2008)
Added sharedFile attribute in PCTLibrary. Patch provided by Cameron David Wright
Fixed duplicate hierarchy when compiling .cls files. Bugfix provided by Peter KULLMANN
Added failOnError attribute in PCTRun. Patch provided by Peter KULLMANN
Upgrading to ANT 1.7.1
Added ProgressVersion task
Patch for PCTLibrary when filenames contains space. Patch provided by Nathanael SHERGOLD
Compilation and tests with OpenEdge 10.2 (replacing 10.1B)
Added resultProperty in PCTRun
Added OutputParameter in PCTRun
Version 0.13 (11/18/2007)
Fixed keepFiles attribute in PCTProxygen. Bugfix provided by Michael Heist
Bug #1711731 (on Google Code) : fixed propath references
Added error message when dlcHome attribute is not defined. Prevents hard-to-understand further error messages
Added PROPATH and DB Connection support in PCTASBroker task. Enhancement provided by Evan Todd
Added unfreeze option in PCTLoadSchema task. Enhancement provided by Evan Todd
Added Table attribute in PCTLoadData task. Enhancement provided by Evan Todd
Added debugListing attribute in PCTCompile task
Added support for 64 bits Progress
Fixed problem with PCTBinaryDump under UNIX systems
Added PCTCompileExt task
Version 0.12a (01/30/2007)
Fixed PCTDumpSchema task (invalid procedure call)
Version 0.12 (01/27/2007)
Added testcase for RCodeInfo
Upgrading to JUnit 4.1
Bug #1507272 (on Google Code) : added PCTWSBroker task
Bug #1566571 (on Google Code) : corrected failed compilation warning when fileset not in PROPATH
Updated developer's documentation
Limited support for Progress 8
Upgrading to ANT 1.7
Added Parameter nested attribute to PCTRun
Changed schema holders support in PCTCreateBase
Updated PCTDumpIncremental support with v9
Added CRCDifferent custom selector
Version 0.11 (09/12/2006)
Corrected bug when temp directory contains '' character (e.g. on Windows when using C:\DOCUME1\login\LOCALS~1\Temp). Added testcase for this bug. Bugfix provided by Peter KULLMANN
Bugfix : temp files deletion in PCTRun task (and subtasks) when an unknown procedure was defined
Fixed compatibility with upcoming 1.7 ANT release
Version 0.10 (06/10/2006)
Added PCTBinaryDump task
Added listing and preprocess attributes in PCTCompile task
Added schema holder support in PCTCreateBase
Added wordRules option in PCTCreateBase
Added PCTASBroker task to create/remove/update appservers definition
Bug #1455512 (on Google Code) : corrected bug on include/exclude patterns in PCTBinaryDump
No need to copy tty/ and gui/ subdirs in $DLC. Everything is included in PCT.jar (both v9 and v10). The Progress version used is auto-detected.
Corrected crash when using a DB connection where directory name contains spaces
Version 0.9 (07/10/2005)
Upgrading to ANT 1.6.5
Manifest in PCT.jar
Added debugReady parameter in PCTRun task
Useless i18n :-)
Bug #1245992 (on Google Code) : PCTCreateBase, schema files and absolute paths
Added tempDir and baseDir attributes to PCTRun task
Feature request #1229640 : PCTLoadData task (really really simple version at the moment)
Bug #1276486 (on Google Code) : patch from Flavio Cordova (bug not closed for now, waiting for further testing)
Feature request #1276506 : now possible to add custom parameters in PCTRun
Added a ProUnit task
JUnit reports in documentation
Bug #1311746 (on Google Code) : mixed case extension are not handled correctly.
Always forking Java task : the previous behaviour was to fork only when working directory was specified.
Version 0.8 (05/13/2005)
PCT can be compiled with JDK 1.5 (just added source attribute in javac task)
Bug #1114731 (on Google Code) : new way of handling JAR dependencies. Warning : API changed, see and for details. Corrected twice (for OE 10.0B02)
Bug #1117740 (on Google Code) : DLC environment not defined. Added DLC environment variable in every Exec or Java task.
Added Eclipse stuff in CVS...
Added quickstart HTML page
Multiple files can be loaded in a single PCTCreateBase statement
Version 0.7 (01/17/2005)
Added screenshots to website
Bug #1081206 (on Google Code) : added messages.jar to classpath in proxygen task (for 9.1d and upper)
Bug #1081209 (on Google Code) : in proxygen task, java process is forked
Bug #1102998 (on Google Code) : corrected bug in PCTSchemaDoc with codepage and collation
Added runList attribute in PCTCompile task, which checks for RUN statements
Bug #1103002 (on Google Code) : added case-sensitive attribute in ttTimeStamps which records included files
Version 0.6 (11/04/2004)
Bug #995235 (on Google Code) : compress command line is only run once
Added codepage attribute to PCTCreateBase to create database with a specific codepage
Bug #1020999 (on Google Code) : cheks the .pl created is not in the file list
Bug #995235 (on Google Code) : added basedir, includes, excludes, includesfile, excludesfile, defaultexcludes attribute to the PCTLibrary task
Behavior change in the PCTLibrary task : task fails when no filesets defined (either with basedir or nested fileset). Previous behavior was to create an empty library.
Added numsep and numdec attributes to PCTRun task
Bug #1058733 (on Google Code) : multiple assignments for propath in PCTRun
Version 0.5 (08/25/2004)
Bug #972486 (on Google Code) : changed the way temp files are deleted
Bug #992280 (on Google Code) : added paramFile attribute to PCTConnection
Version 0.5 pre2 (06/10/2004)
Added PCTXCode task (Dick Knol)
Added noCompile and xcode attributes in PCTCompile
Separate versions for Progress v9 and v10
Removed Jalopy for Eclipse formatting
Added Propath to PCTCreateBase
Added PCTDumpData task (Dick Knol)
Corrected PCTIncrementalDump bug (Dick Knol)
Added parameterFile attribute in PCTRun
PCTSchemaDoc now creates XML file. It has to be tied with a style task
Version 0.5 pre1 (05/13/2004)
PCTCRC task (Dick Knol)
Documentation update
New compilation procedure : now checks CRC, so database updates force recompilation
Added iniFile and ttBufferSize attributes in PCTRun
Changed the way temp files are deleted. Should work better, but still not perfect
Version 0.4 (01/18/2004)
Added hasNamedAlias method in PCTConnection (P. BAIRD)
Added PCTWSComp task - Not tested, so don't expect it to run correctly. Help needed for this task, as I don't know how WebSpeed works