Server Setup - ngageoint/voxel-globe GitHub Wiki

There are a number of parts to Setting up a VoxelGlobe server

  • Installing
  • Starting
  • Setup and Configuration Coming Soon...
  • Managing VoxelGlobe - All details in managing the VoxelGlobe server are wrapped up in the just command.
  • Network setup Coming Soon...
  • SSL Certificates - You have your choice of using your own officially signed cert or the built in support for Let's Encrypt. Using a self-signed cert or CA requires you to add that to your own web browser (not covered). Note: Let's Encrypt requires:
    • You have an official DNS name
    • Direct internet access for port 80 or 443 forwarded to your computer
    • Expires in 90 days (but has auto renewal capabilities provided the other two conditions are still met