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Module 19 - Theseus and the Minotaur
Theseus is most well known for slaying the Minotaur. Theseus is a counterpart to Heracles, but is specifically the local hero of Attica and Athens.
Island ruled by Minos. The Minotaur lives here in a labyrinth.
A city in Aethra, ruled by Pittheus.
King of Athens at the time of Theseus' birth, possibly his father. Descendant of the founders of the Athens.
If/when he slept with Aethra, he told her that her child should not know who his father was growing up. Only when Theseus can lift a heavy rock (under which Aegeus leaves a sword and sandals) should he be sent to Athens.
Daughter of Pittheus.
Minos' daughter. Falls in love with Theseus after he arrives at Crete.
Depending on the version she either gives him
- A thread to trace his way out of the labyrinth
- A wreath to light his way
She makes Theseus promise to take her home with him after he kills the Minotaur, but he betrays her and leaves her on the island of Naxos.
She's rescued by Dionysus, who becomes her lover.
Wife of Aegeus after Theseus was born. She was scared that Theseus would rival her own son for the throne of Athens, and tries to poison him with wine. Fortunately, Aegeus recognizes Theseus' sword at the last minute and knocks the cup from his hand.
Son of Zeus and Europa.
King if Crete, attacked Athens after his son was killed by Athenians (out of jealosy for Minos' victory at the Panathenaic athletic games).
Athens surrendered to Minos and made a treaty that it would send 7 young men and 7 girls to be food for the Minotaur. The victims for the Minotaur were chosen by lot and sent every 9 years.
Half man, half bull dude. Named after Minos (in Greek ‘tauros’ means bull), because he was born to Minos’ wife Pasiphae.
Born after Minos prayed to Poseidon to send a special bull to indicate his support for Crete. But when Minos does not sacrifice it, Poseidon makes Minos' wife fall in love with it.
The Minotaur is kept in Crete in a labyrinth.
Minos' wife. Falls in love with Poseidon's bull after Minos doesn't sacrifice it, giving birth to the Minotaur.
King of Troezen at the time of Theseus' birth. Father of Aethra, his mother.
Son of Aethra. Depending on the version, he's either the son of Poseidon or the son of Aegeus, king of Athens.
Theseus' retrieves Aegeus' presents when he's old enough and heads for Athens. On his way, he must complete 6 labours:
- Kill Periphetes, son of Hephaestus, who is armed with a club.
- In Corinth, kill the robber Sins, who kills people by bending trees to the ground, tying people to 2 of them, then letting go.
- Kill a great sow
- Kill Sciron, who kills people by making them wash his feet and throwing them to a man-eating turtle.
- Kill Cercyon, a very strong king
- Kill Procrustes, who made people fit into into a bed by either hammering or sawing them
Prior to killing the Minotaur, Theseus is said to have brought the Bull of Marathon to Athens (same bull that Heracles was saupposed to have brought from Crete). Here's an explicit connection to Heracles.
In attempt to protect Athenians from having to send children to the Minotaur every 9 years, Theseus volunteers to go kill the Minotaur.
At Crete, he receives help from Ariadne and successfully kills the Minotaur.
He returns home and takes over as king from his father (who dies tragically after Theseus forgets to change the colour of his sail on the way back, an throws himself off a cliff).