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Module 14 - Theban Saga
First of the Greek sagas.
- Sagas divided geographically
- Thebes
- Mycenae
The city where Oedipus was raised. Ruled by Polybus and Merope.
Mt. Cithaeron
The place where Oedipus' parent's exposed him after piercing his ankles. Instead a shepherd brought him to Corinth
Founded by Cadmus. Primary location for the Theban saga
Founder of the city of Thebes after following a bull to that location He must sacrifice but is stopped by a snake. He kills the snake, plants it's teeth into the ground, from which the first Thebans grow.
Father of Europa, married Harmonia, with whom he has 4 daughters (what about Europa? :( ).
Brother of Jocasta. Offered throne of Thebes to anyone who could solve the Sphinx's riddle and lift the curse
Greek Mythology a princess of Tyre who was courted by Zeus in the form of a bull. She was carried off by him to Crete, where she bore him three sons (Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon).
The daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. Wife of Cadmus
Mother of Oedipus, wife of Laius.
Son of Labdacus, grandson of Pentheus, grandson of Pentheus, great, great, grandson of Cadmus .
Laius cursed his lineage by abducting Pelops' son Chrysippus, with whom he was in love. Laius learned of the curse from the oracle of Apollo which told him that he was destined to be killed by his son.
His wife is Jocasta
Queen of Corinth. Raised Oedipus as his mother.
That one guy who killed his dad Laius and slept with his Mom. His name means "swell-foot".
Was raised by Merope and Polybus, rulers of Corinth.
He is made to suspect that he was adopted and consults the oracle. He goes to Thebes where he (unwittingly) kills his dad. After saving the city from the Sphinx (who was sent by Hera), he is accepted as king of Thebes (see Creon).
In Thebes, he lives in ignorance and has
- 2 sons: Polynices and Eteocles.
- 2 daughters: Antigone and Ismene
A plague comes upon Thebes (Oedipus is unknowingly the cause).
Polybus dies, and a messenger (the shepherd who rescued him) brings him the news that he is Jocasta's son. Oedipus subsequently blinds himself.