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Module 15 - Mycenaean Saga
Aeschylus: 525 - 456 BC
In the Peloponnese. Where Pelops goes after he is restored to life to win the hand of Hippodamia.
Last remaining son of Thyestes who Atreus didn't kill.
Conspires with Clytemnestra to kill her husband Agamemnon after he sacrifices their daughter Iphigenia.
After taking over the throne with Clytemnestra, Aegisthus is killed by her son Orestes.
Wife of Atreus.
Son of Atreus, becomes king of Mycenae. Marries Clytemnestra. They have some children:
- two daughters: Iphigenia and Electra
- one son, Orestes
After finding out that his brother Menelaus wife Helen was kidnapped by Paris, he declares war on Troy.
As they are getting ready to say, they are stopped by strong winds from Artemis. He chooses to sacrifice Iphigenia
Son of Pelops, brother to Thyestes. Curse from Myrtilus on his father's family is passed down to him.
Pan originally brings the golden fleece to him, but Thyestes steals it by sleeping with his wife Aerope.
Atreus later returns, banishes Thyestes, kills his sons (all except for Aegisthus), and feeds them to him. He is cursed by Thyestes.
Trojan prophetess and mistress of Agamemnon who brought her to Mycenae after the war.
Wife to Agamemnon. She gets super pissed at him after he sacrifices their daughter Iphigenia.
She conspires with Aegisthus to kill Agamemnon.
She kills Agamemnon by throwing a net over him and stabbing him (or sometimes at a banquet).
Clytemnestra also kills Cassandra, Agamemnon's mistress who he brought back from the Trojan war.
She briefly takes control of Mycenae until her son Orestes arrives and kills both her and Aegisthus.
Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Sister of Orestes and Iphigenia.
Helps her brother kill their mother and Aegisthus, who was helping her.
Also see Module 15.
Wife of Menelaus. Kidnapped (or seduced?) by Paris and taken to Troy.
Daughter of king Oenomaus. Marries Pelops. Mother of Atreus
Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Sister of Electra and Orestes.
Agamemnon sacrifices her so the Greeks can go to war with Troy.
Brother of Agamemnon. Husband of Helen
Charioteer to King Oenomaus, helps Pelops sabotage the king's chariot and win the race for the hand of Hippodamia.
However, after Pelops' victory, Myrtilus tries to rape Hippodamia. He's stopped by Pelops who throws him off a cliff.
Myrtilus curses Pelops and his descendants on his way down.
Trojan prince who kidnaps Helen and takes her to Troy. This prompts the Trojan war against Agamemnon and the Greeks.
See also Module 13
Cooked by his father Tantalus. He is later restored and his shoulder (which was eaten by Demeter) was replaced by a marble one.
In some versions Pelops is taken away by Poseidon, as his lover. Goes to Elis, where he wins the hand of Hippodamia by defeating king deadmau5 in a chariot race. He was helped by Myrtilus.
After stopping Myrtilus from raping Hippodamia, he and his lineage are cursed.
Pelops becomes king and has 2 sons:
Who fight over throne of Mycenae (because the oracle said that it would be a son of Pelops who would get it). It is decided that whoever of the sons obtains a ram with a golden fleece will get the city
Literally deadmau5.
King of Elis. Likes chariots. Defeated by Pelops in a chariot race (causes his death) for the hand of his daughter.
Son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Brother of Electra and Iphigenia.
After finding out of his father's death, he and his sister Electra kill his mother and Aegisthus (Thyestes last son, who was helping her).
After killing his mother, Orestes is pursued by the Furies, who avenge parricide.
Father of Pelops. Punished eternally by the gods (for killing his son and trying to feed him to them) in Tartarus (hell).
Son of Pelops, brother to Atreus. Sleeps with Atreus' wife Aerope to steal the golden fleece (which would make Thyestes king of Mycenae).
Atreus later returns, banishes him, kills Thyestes sons (all except for Aegisthus), and feeds them to him. Thyestes curses his brother.