ZDocs01 Setup - nfdi4plants/Swate GitHub Wiki

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To setup Swate you need to use the following commandline commands in the Swate root folder:

  1. dotnet tool restore
  2. dotnet paket restore
  3. .\build.cmd setup


Use the following fake target to start the application and make sure docker is running 🐳.

.\build.cmd officedebug (--excel) (--open)

This will start the Saturn backend server, the fable client, as well as a Neo4j database from the docker-compose file.

You can add one or both option to automatically open the application.

  • Use --excel to open an Excel application with Swate sideloaded.
  • Use --open to open a Browser Windows on the Swate Url.

You can change the database setup in .db/docker-compose.yml and the related credentials in src/Server/dev.json.

Adminer can be accessed at localhost:8085, MySql at localhost:42333, and the app runs on http://localhost:5000 and is proxied to https://localhost:3000 with webpack.


To debug add-in instances you can now easily open debug console/inspect for newer Excel versions. For Excel 2019 and earlier you can create a .cmd file with C:\Windows\SysWOW64\F12\IEChooser.exe to easily open the f12 tools (on windows).

Alternatively use office online:

  • open Excel online in your favorite browser
  • Go to Insert > Office-Add-Ins and upload the manifest.xml file contained in this repo
  • You will now have the full debug experience in your browser dev tools.


Before you contribute to the project remember to return all placeholders to your project:

  • webpack.config.js
    server: {
            type: 'https',
            options: {
                key: "{USERFOLDER}/.office-addin-dev-certs/localhost.key",
                cert: "{USERFOLDER}/.office-addin-dev-certs/localhost.crt",
                ca: "{USERFOLDER}/.office-addin-dev-certs/ca.crt"



Connections from excel to localhost need to be via https, so you need a certificate and trust it. office-addin-dev-certs does that for you.

You can also use the fake build target for certificate creation and installation by using .\build.cmd createdevcerts in the project root (after restoring tools via dotnet tool restore).

This will use office-addin-dev-certs to create the necessary certificates, and open the installation dialogue for you:

installing this ca certificate under your trusted root certification authorities will enable you to use https via localhost.

The paths to these certificates are then added to your webpack.config file.

Loopback Exemption

You may need a loopback exemption for Edge/IE (whatever is run in your excel version):

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n="microsoft.win32webviewhost_cw5n1h2txyewy"

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