NIST MNI minipipeline - neurohub/neurohub_documentation GitHub Wiki

T1w and FLAIR scans processed by NIST (Neuro Imaging and Surgical Technologies) -MNI mini pipeline

Contents of this directory

The documentation was provided by Vladimir S. FONOV, research associate at NIST.

The modalities of out/sub-<id>/ses-2/tal/tal_sub-<id>_ses-2_<modality>.mnc are:

  • T1w
  • flair
  • brain

These files contain anatomical MRI scans of UK Biobank after processing with in-house tools, based onminc-toolkit-v2version 1.9.17

Processing steps for the T1w scan include:

  1. nonuniformity correction using N4

  2. linear intensity normalization using histogram to match MNI-ICBM152 2009c intensity ranges

  3. linear stereotaxic registration to MNI-ICBM152 2009c space using bestlinreg tool version from 20180117

  4. linear warping into MNI-ICBM152 2009c space

  5. brain-masking using BEaST

  6. second nonuniformity correction usingN4with BEaST brain mask

  7. second linear intensity normalization

FLAIR scans

They were linearly (rigid body) co-registered with T1w scans and warped using the concatenated transform of FLAIR and T1w

There are also .xfm files: out/sub-<id>/ses-2/tal/tal_xfm_sub-<id>_ses-2.xfm - describes linear (9 parameter) transformation from native to MNI-ICBM152 2009c space for T1w scans

out/sub-<id>/ses-2/tal/tal_sub-<id>_ses-2_brain.mnc - was produced using an in-house brain segmentation tool (deep learning based) from out/sub-<id>/ses-2/tal/tal_sub-<id>_ses-2_t1w.mnc

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