2.8.Accessing the HCP (Human Connectome Project) datasets - neurohub/neurohub_documentation GitHub Wiki

HCP available data

With NeuroHub, users have direct access to different HCP datasets:

The Human Connectome Project access is restricted and must be requested and granted by HCP before you can have access to the data. Need access to the HCP data? Please follow the steps below. More detailed information can be found on the HCP webpage. Once you have been granted access, NeuroHub provides multiple channels and tools to process the data.

Procedure to access HCP datasets

1. Aging, Development and Early Psychosis

i. Request an NDA account (the National Institute of Mental Health Data Archive)

To request an account, we kindly invite you to visit the NDA webpage and follow the detailed one-by-one process step.

ii. Account confirmation

Once your account is created you will be able to SIGN IN and will have a confirmation that stands as proof of registration as per below:


Acceptance of HCP Open Access Data Use Terms is required for access to all HCP data and will grant the user access to HCP imaging and most behavioural data. Users will be prompted to accept the Data Use Terms upon initial login to ConnectomeDB.

2. HCP 1200

Access to HCP1200 datasets does not require an NDA account. However, you will have to complete the Acceptance of HCP Open Access Data Use Terms

3. Proof of NDA registration in NDA and/or approval to access HCP data

Once you completed the previous steps, we would kindly ask you to provide proof of your registration (such as a screenshot, example provided above in section ii) so we can subsequently grant you access to the HCP data available on NeuroHub. Please send the required proof to our contact support

4. HCP data sets are available on the Alliance

Once access is fully granted and proof sent to our contact support, users can access the HCP data on Beluga through the following path:


However, if the data set of your interest is not currently available, please don't hesitate to contact us and we would be more than happy to look into it and make them available on NeuroHub.

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