2.5.Jupyter Notebooks - neurohub/neurohub_documentation GitHub Wiki
You can store Jupyter notebooks in NeuroHub projects and run them on HPC resources such as the Béluga JupyterHub (if you have an Alliance account) or the McGill Syzygy JupyterHub (if you have a McGill username).
- Using your McGill account, go to McGill Syzygy JupyterHub
- click on Login and insert your account information
- you are forwarded to the Jupyter Notebook surface
- here you can upload an existing notebook or create a new notebook using two different kernels: Python 3 and R
Jupyter notebook examples are being developed at neurohub/neurohub_examples. So far there is a basic example of how to access NeuroHub using the CBRAIN API. Neuroimaging and ML examples will follow.
NOTE: While you can use the JupyterHubs above for any interactive computing, the use of the current notebook examples requires some coding experience. Furthermore, the process is currently not automated, you will have to move notebooks and data to and from the JupyterHub.