music - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki
This function was enhanced in version 0.90.
music([track=-1], [frame=-1], [row=-1], [loop=true], [sustain=false], [tempo=-1], [speed=-1])
...or to stop the music:
- track : the id of the track to play (0..7)
- frame : the index of the frame to play from (0..15)
- row : the index of the row to play from (0..63)
- loop : loop music (true) or play it once (false)
- sustain : sustain notes after the end of each frame or stop them (true/false)
- tempo : play track with the specified tempo, (added in version 0.90)
- speed : play track with the specified speed, (added in version 0.90)
This function starts playing a track created in the Music Editor.
If you call music() within TIC()
, the specified track will restart 60 times per second - probably not what was intended! You'll need to add conditional logic to ensure that the track isn't continuously restarted, for example:
musicplaying = false
function TIC()
-- ensure we only start the music a single time
if not musicplaying then
musicplaying = true