export - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki

export [ win | winxp | linux | rpi | mac | html | binary | tiles | sprites | map | mapimg | sfx | music | screen | help] <outfile> [bank=0 vbank=0 id=0 alone=0]



  • <outfile> output file name, with no file extension (especially not .tic).

Options (choose 1):

  • win | winxp | linux | rpi | mac export currently loaded cart as native build for the platform of your choice.
  • html export cart to HTML.
  • binary export binary segment for WASM cartridges.
  • tiles | sprites | mapimg export tiles, sprites or map as png image.
  • map export map as .map file.
  • sfx | music export sfx or music as .wav file. Set id option to choose the sfx id or music track. See below to change the sustain music setting.
  • screen export cover image as png image.
  • help export help content in a markdown file with console commands, API functions and much more.

Fully optional:

  • bank Choose the bank from witch you want to export.
  • vbank Choose the VRAM bank from witch you want to export.
  • id to choose the sfx id or music track you want to export.
  • alone Use alone=1 to export the game without the editors [PRO version]. Users won't be able to see/edit your code/sprites/map/sfx/music.


Export currently loaded cart to HTML or as a native build.
Export sprites, map or cover as image. Export sfx or music to wav files. Use import to import these files to another cart or use load to load data directly from a cart to an other one.
Export the help content about API functions, console command and more in a markdown file.

NOTE: Do not export over your saved cart you could loose the data. Exported files don't need .tic file extension.

Use save <outfile>.png to export your cart as a png file that can be loaded by TIC-80.

Export music

When you export music, there is no command parameter to choose to sustain notes between frames, but the sustain setting is taken from the editor (at the top right).


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