WASM - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki

Web Assembly (WASM) Support

TIC-80 supports compiled languages via our WASM binary support. Compile a .wasm file using an external compiler toolchain and then import that binary (up to to 256kb) into your TIC-80 cartridge. Many modern languages support compiling to WASM.

Unique WASM workflow/behavior

  • The built-in editor content is not used to edit your code.
    • editor comments must use the Lua style, e.g. -- this is a comment...
    • a -- script: wasm magic comment is required to use the wasm runtime
    • ...no code you type in the editor will ever be executed

WASM "hardware" limits

  • a 256KB BINARY chunk stores compiled code
    • binary .wasm files up to 256KB may be imported
  • 256KB addressable memory
    • 112KB base RAM for memory mapped I/O, SFX, VRAM, etc.
    • 160KB of RAM free for cartridge use

Starting a new compiled from source project

Copying one of the built-in project templates we provide is the best way to get started. These templates include both a tiny sample project and library bindings for the TIC-80 API.

If you're familiar with one of the languages above and would like to contribute an official library binding for TIC-80, we'd love your help! Just comment on #1784 or open a new GitHub issue.