Command Line Arguments - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki

Native versions of TIC support some arguments when called from the command line or other programs (such as an external editor). Absolute and relative file paths are supported. For build older than 0.80 see Old Build.

$ ./tic80 -h
Usage: tic80 [cart] [options]

TIC-80 startup options:

    -h, --help        show this help message and exit
    --skip            skip startup animation
    --volume=<int>    global volume value [0-15]
    --cli             console only output
    --fullscreen      enable fullscreen mode
    --vsync           enable VSYNC
    --soft            use software rendering
    --fs=<str>        path to the file system folder
    --scale=<int>     main window scale
    --cmd=<str>       run commands in the console
    --keepcmd         re-execute commands on every run
    --version         print program version
    --crt             enable CRT monitor effect
  • --cli Disables the TIC-80 window. That can be useful for automating various import/export for example.

  • --vsync Vsync aligns your game's graphics with your screen's refresh rate, preventing tearing and flickering. With Vsync on, your game waits for the screen to start refreshing, then displays a complete frame, ensuring smoother visuals.

  • --soft Switch from SDLGPU to SDL2 rendering which may be more stable but does not allow to use CRT effect. Linked to issue #1566.

  • --crt Turns on the CRT (cathode-Ray Tube) filter for a retro look. Note: The CRT filter does not show on the TIC-80 screen capture GIFs. Also it does not work when --soft argument is used.


tic80 --skip --fs .                                           skip startup animation and use current directory as storage
tic80 --skip --cmd "load cart.tic"                            skip startup animation and load `cart.tic` cart
tic80 --cmd surf                                              start TIC-80 in SURF mode
tic80 --cmd "load cart.tic & export html & exit"     load `cart.tic` cart, export html `` and exit
tic80 --cmd "load cart.tic & save cart.lua & exit"            load `cart.tic`, save as a text cart and exit
tic80 --cmd "load cart.tic & export sprites spr.gif & exit"   load `cart.tic`, export sprites to `spr.gif` and exit
tic80 --cmd "load cart.tic & export track5 music.wav & exit"  load `cart.tic`, export 5th track to `music.wav` and exit
tic80 ../path/to/cart.tic --fs ../path/to                     use `../path/to/` as storage and load `cart.tic`
tic80 > log.txt                                               all trace output is redirected to the named file
tic80 | Out-File log.txt                                      same as above for PowerShell users

Old Build

0.80 series:

tic80 .                                  use current directory as storage
tic80 -code game.lua                     load and run the code without startup animation
tic80 -code-watch game.lua               same as -code but also reload it when TIC is focused
tic80 game.tic -code game.lua            load cartridge, inject the code and run without startup animation
tic80 cart.tic -sprites blahblah.gif     inject sprites from the given gif format file to cart.tic
tic80 -surf                              start TIC-80 in SURF mode
tic80 -nosound                           start in silent mode
tic80 -fullscreen                        start in fullscreen mode
tic80 -skip                              skip startup animation (0.60.0)

You can also run console commands by passing them in from the command line. Commands consisting of more than one word should be enclosed in quotes, for example:

tic80 path/to/cart.tic "export html"
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