BOOT - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki

This was added to the API in version 1.00.

The BOOT function is called a single time when your cartridge is booted. It should be used for startup/initialization code. For scripting languages that allow code in the global scope (Lua, etc.) using BOOT is preferred rather than including source code in the global scope.

-- script: lua
function BOOT()
  -- Put your bootup code here

Examples in other languages

-- script: moon
export BOOT=->
  -- Put your stuff here
// script: js
function BOOT() {
  // Put your stuff here
// script: wren
class Game is TIC {
  construct new() {
    // Put your stuff here
;; script: fennel
(global TIC
  (fn boot []
    ;; Put your stuff here

;;alternate fennel
(var t 0)
(fn _G.BOOT []
  ;; use for init stuff
  (set t 100))

(fn _G.TIC []
  (print t))
// script: squirrel
function BOOT() {
  // Put your stuff here
# script: ruby
def BOOT
  # Put your stuff here
# script: janet
(var t 0)
(defn BOOT
  # put your stuff here
  (set t 10))