Advanced Drawing Techniques - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki

0x03FF0 Palette Map / Swapping colors


poke4(2*0x03FF0 + color_index, mapped_color_index)


| ADDR  | INFO              | SIZE  |
| 00000 | SCREEN            | 16320 | 240x136 = 32640 4bit pixels
| 03FC0 | PALETTE           | 48    | 16 x 24bit RGB color values
| 03FF0 | PALETTE MAP       | 8     | 16 x 4bit color indexes (for palette swapping of individual sprites)

TIC-80 uses PALETTE MAP to swap 4 bits colors indices to be drawn to any combination of 4 bits colors in the palette. The mapped 4 bits color is written on SCREEN.

With sprite-drawing functions (spr, map, ttri), this color swap is done when reading the color from sprite memory.

colorkey parameters are applied on source colors, swapping out color indices before remapping.

0x03FFC Blit Segment / Low BPP graphics ([BETA FEATURE, spec might change before release]0.80)

Please see Blit Segment.