Accessing carts from multiple computers with symlink - nesbox/TIC-80 GitHub Wiki

This tutorial is only for Linux Machines & Windows PCs at the moment.

You will learn a hacky way to access and edit your TIC carts from multiple computers without copying and pasting!

  1. Make a new directory for tic files to a cloud storage folder, say Drive\TIC-80\ or ~/cloud/TIC-80/
  2. Create a directory with name appdata (or whatever suits you) in that folder.
  3. Open TIC-80 and use command folder to go to TIC's appdata folder (it's where TIC carts are stored.)
  4. Go one folder up (to folder Appdata/roaming/com.nesbox.tic/ on Windows)
  5. Rename folder TIC-80 to TIC-80-temp or something, you won't be using it anymore...
  6. Make a symlink (symbolic link) to your previously created folder with command (you can copy the exact folder names by clicking the address panel in File Explorer).
    • Windows:
      • (You'll need an elevated (admin) command prompt! open it by right-clicking Command Prompt -> run as administrator)
      • Use the command Mklink /D C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\com.nesbox.tic\TIC-80 "C:\Users\your_username\Drive\TIC-80\appdata"
    • Linux:
      • mkdir TIC-80
      • Use the command ln -s /path/to/original/TIC-80 /path/to/cloud/folder/TIC-80/appdata

Now TIC-80 will use the folder in your cloud storage as its appdata folder and you can run your carts from any computer!