How to - neoremi/TreeViewActionManagment GitHub Wiki
When main application ( is running, the pascal.ini file is considered. If pascal.ini file does not exist, a default one is build. pascasl.ini file refers to the last opened data file.
The application manages data files with "pa" extension.
Define data organisation
Structure setting allows to :
- choose data characteristics (available types of data are : string, date, choicelist, checkbox)
- define choices in a choicelist
- reorder charactéristics
Structure can also be modify when data are stored and a new structure can be brought from an existing one.
Define file characteristics
A data file should have a identifier and parameters than allow to identify data elements as a unique action.
By example, two action plans should have a different identifier (Plan Identifier) and/or action IDs should be different : from 1 (minimum ID) to 999 (roof ID) in the first plan and from 1000 to 1999 in the second one. The next action ID can also be set (usually Maximum ID = Minimum ID when there is no data). The Maximum value will be automatically increased by data adding.
Open a file
An existing file can be chosen to be loaded.
When it is not application first use, the last opened file is loaded.
Any file openning will load file in a new notebook sheet.
Add or suppress data
An element can be added at the fisrt hierarchical level after the last element at this level. Other functions require to select a current element to suppress it or add a new element after it or as a slave (or detail) element.
Organize data
Application use treeview display. Data can be organized by drag and drop action to reorder elements or change data hierarchical level.
Export data
An exoport function allows to produce a CSV format file that can be opened by spreadsheet tools like Excel or Calc.