Fluid_Aspect_Course_7_2 - nasa/gunns GitHub Wiki

Fluid Aspect Course 7.2: Checking Nodes Health

When developing a new network, it’s a good idea to spot-check the nodes in RUN for reasonable values. Bad problems will be easy to spot here.

In Trick View, list the pressure, pressure correction and temperature values from all of the network nodes and do a visual inspection for reasonableness:

Node Content Pressures

In the network’s netNodes[#].mContent.mPressure, list the entire array. These are the node pressures in (kPa).

Node Content Temperatures

In the network’s netNodes[#].mContent.mTemperature, list the entire array. These are the node temperatures in (K).

Node Pressure Corrections

In the network’s netNodes[#].mPressureCorrection, list the entire array. These are the node pressure corrections for state error in (kPa). These should generally be less than 1.

Here’s an example Trick View screengrab for a healthy network that has 7 nodes in it (including Ground):

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