Page Index - nagasudhirpulla/spring-notes GitHub Wiki
33 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Spring Notes
- Inversion of Control (IOC)
- Spring Modules Overview (Spring Architecture)
- Spring IOC mechanism of creating Beans
- JavaBean
- Spring Bean Factory
- Spring Application Context
- Property Initialization inside Spring Xml
- Injecting Objects into beans and Inner Beans
- Example of Property Initialization via reference
- Example of Property Initialization via Inner Beans
- Initializing Collections inside Beans
- Bean Aliasing
- Bean Autowiring
- Basic Bean Scopes
- Web-Aware Context Basic Bean Scopes
- ApplicationContextAware and BeanNameAware
- Bean Definition Inheritance
- Using AbstractApplicationContext for using Application Context life cycle callbacks
- Bean PostProcessor
- Bean Factory Post Processor
- Assigning properties to bean properties using .properties files instead of hard coding the properties
- Annotations in Bean Classes
- @Required Annotation
- @Autowired and @Qualifier Annotation
- Some JSR 250 Annotations supported by spring
- @Component and @Stereotype Annotations
- Using Message Source to get text from a list of .properties files
- Event Handling in Spring
- Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Wrapping Aspects around methods
- Servlets