Layouts and Views System - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki


The V of the M-V-C, a view is a PHP script consisting mainly of user interface elements. It can contain PHP statements, but it is recommended that these statements should not alter data models and should remain relatively simple. In the spirit of separating of logic and presentation, large chunks of logic should be placed in controllers or models rather than in views.

Laravel used Twig, some frameworks used Smarty, and there are many more template system out there. OpenHub believe in simplicity, so we stick to PHP.

As example, a view can be directly use by controller's action:

class SiteController extends Controller
    public function actionAbout()
        $this->render('about', array('greeting'=>'Hello World'))

The view file will be located at /protected/views/site/about.php:

<p><?php echo $greeting ?></p>

Open the page in browser, you will not seeing a plain one line Hello World text only. You will also see other layout elements display in this page. We will talk about Layout in next section.

There's also another type of view where its whole purpose is to be included into other view file. The naming convention for this private view file is to have an underscore prefix (e.g.: _viewProductItem.php).


Layout is a special view that is used to decorate views. It usually contains parts of a user interface that are common among several views, you may also think of it as a master template for all your views. For example, a layout may contain a header and a footer, and embed the view in between, like this:

<div>Header code here...</div>
<?php echo $content; ?>
<div>Footer code here...</div>

where $content stores the rendering result of the view.

Layout is automatically applied when calling render(). By default, layouts sit at protected/views/layouts but can be overridden by custom code in protected/overrides/views/layouts.

OpenHub layout system make use of theme. Theme is a superset of layout in OpenHub architecture.

For more information on Yii framework views and layouts system, please visit


Brand is a small hack around layout system to display different branding (e.g. custom header and footer) for different 'owner' of the system. Please note this is just a gimmick than actual multi tenant system which OpenHub is never aspired to be.

Brand is implemented thru variable $this->layoutParams['brand'] and applied system wide. Dedicated brand layout is display according to the calling domain name utilizing Multi Domains feature and Core Overrides feature.

In protected/overrides/config/domain.php

return array(
	'' => array(
		'defaultController' => 'resource/frontend',
		'params' => array(
			'masterDomain' => '',
			'masterUrl' => '//',
			'baseDomain' => '',
			'baseUrl' => '//',
			'connectSecretKey' => '',
			'connectClientId' => '',
			'brand' => 'psk',
		'modules' => array(
			'resource' => array(
				'allowUserAddResource' => false

In protected/overrides/views/layouts/frontend.php, we implemented a hardcoded selection.

<?php if ($this->layoutParams['brand'] == 'kkip'): ?>
    <?php $this->beginContent('layouts.brands.kkip.frontend'); ?>
<?php elseif ($this->layoutParams['brand'] == 'psk'): ?>
    <?php $this->beginContent('layouts.brands.psk.frontend'); ?>
<?php else: ?>
    <?php $this->beginContent('layouts.brands.default.frontend'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
    <?php echo $content; ?>
<?php $this->endContent(); ?>
Screenshot 2020-06-25 at 11 11 26 AM

Brand aware module has higher override priority than system wide brand setting. Current module who are brand aware:

  • f7: display branding according to brand value set in intake
  • mentor: display branding according to brand value set in mentor program


Theming is a systematic way of customizing the outlook of pages in a Web application. By applying a new theme, the overall appearance of a Web application can be changed instantly and dramatically.

In Yii, each theme is represented as a directory consisting of view files, layout files, and relevant resource files such as images, CSS files, JavaScript files, etc. The name of a theme is its directory name. All themes reside under the same directory public_html/themes. At any time, only one theme can be active and it is set in protected/config/main.php:

$return = array(
    'basePath' => dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..',
    'name' => 'MaGIC (Dev)',
    'theme' => 'inspinia',

This is how a view layout can point to theme layout:

<?php $this->beginContent(sprintf('webroot.themes.%s.views.layouts._backend', Yii::app()->theme->name)); ?>
    <?php echo $content; ?>
<?php $this->endContent(); ?>

OpenHub used a modified inspinia theme, located in public_html/themes/inspinia. Inspinia is a commercial Bootstrap theme, you will need to purchase its license at

Demo of inspinia integration to YeeBase is available thru URL

For more information on Yii framework theme system, please visit


Javascript can be embedded inside view:

<?php Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(

); ?>

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️