Override Core - mymagic/open_hub GitHub Wiki

protected/overrides directory allows you to override the core code to make changes without touching the original files. This is handy where changes you needs to make are beyond module capability. Having all your customization code in one place in overrides directory enable OpenHub original code to be easily upgrade in future too.

File base Overriding

Please note that this is not an object oriented overriding concept, but a file base overriding.

As example, if you like to extend protected/models/HUB.php to add extra function called myCustomFunction(), you can not just create a HUB.php file in the overrides directory with one function only and hopping all the other existing functions of original files will be included automatically.

class HUB
	public static function myCustomFunction()
		return 'Hello World';

Instead, you should copy the entire original HUB.php file and place it in the overrides directory, and make modification to add in this extra function.

Files you can override now

Files that can be overridden are those located in:

  • protected/controllers
  • protected/commands
  • protected/models and protected/models/hub
  • protected/components
  • protected/components/widgets
  • protected/extensions
  • protected/helpers

If you have sub directories to override, you will need to explicitly define them in protected/config/main.php and protected/config/console.php.

'import' => array(
    // overrides


The reason is you not allowed to import files recursively to include all sub directories, you may refer this link to understand why: https://code.google.com/archive/p/yii/issues/1568

Override Controller

You can override web controller.

To create a new controller:

  1. Create new file protected/overrides/controllers/OverrideController.php:

class OverrideController extends Controller
    public $layout = 'application.views.layouts.frontend';
    public function actionIndex()
	echo 'I am a new overridden controller';
  1. You may access this controller thru URL 'https://yourdomain.com/override`

To create new controller render with view

  1. Modify actionIndex() above to:
public function actionIndex()
  1. Create new file protected/overrides/views/override/index.php:
<p>I am a new overridden controller render with view</p>

How it works

Yii framework CwebApplication is extended by protected/components/WebApplication.php and call in public_html/index.php:

$app = new WebApplication($config);

In WebApplication, when createController is called, OpenHub will first check for controller with exact name found in protected/overrides/controllers folder. If found, the overridden version will be use. Reference: https://forum.yiiframework.com/t/controller-override/48217

Override Layout

You can override layout, giving your site an entire fresh looks. Just copy the original /protected/views/layouts to /protected/overrides/views/layouts and modify from there.

Override Command (Console)

Command is like web controller, except they are for console interface. You can override an existing command or create new command file here in protected/overrides/commands.

To create new command:

  1. Create new file protected/overrides/commands/OverrideCommand.php

class OverrideCommand extends ConsoleCommand
    public $verbose = false;

    public function actionIndex()
        echo 'Congratulation, you has successfully created a new override command';

2. Execute it thru CLI:
php yiic override

To override an existing command:

For example, we are modifying existing TestCommmand

  1. Copy the existing command file from protected/commands/TestCommmand.php to protected/overrides/commands/TestCommmand.php and modify the actionIndex() to output something different than the original.
  2. Modify protected/config/console.php to point to the overridden file:
'commandMap' => array(

Notes: This is an extra step required to override existing command

  1. Execute it thru CLI:
php yiic test