Getting Started - mrsperry/overseer GitHub Wiki
When opening Overseer the first thing you are greeted by is the main menu. Here you can adjust your settings before getting into the game, view your lifetime statistics and find the source code hosted on Github.
After pressing the Start Game button you'll be greeted with a minimal interface. At the top of the screen will be a single core display. In the middle of your screen will be a disk and quarantine drive. Below the drives sits your research panel.
The first thing you'll need to do is search for files to scan. You can start searching for files by pressing the [search] button on the core display. This starts an infinite task that will add files to your disk drive. You can watch the files fill up your disk drive by clicking on its name.
When your disk drive is 100% full you can cancel the search task by pressing the [x] button on the core display. Make sure your disk drive is selected then press the Scan Files link on the file display. This will start a task that will scan each file to see if it contains a vulnerability. When the task is complete any vulnerabilities will be put into your quarantine drive.
It may take a few tries before you find any vulnerabilities. Once you have found however many you like you can select your quarantine drive by clicking on its name then press the Purge Files link on the file display to purge the vulnerabilities in that quarantine. Once the task has completed, you will have gained reliability equal to the total kilobyte amount of all the files.
With enough reliability you will begin to see research options appear below your reliability rating. These options don't cost anything and can be purchased immediately.