Cores - mrsperry/overseer GitHub Wiki


Your cores are located at the top of the screen in the center and have three main parts to them:

Progress display

Each core comes with a visual progress display. This display will slowly light up in a clockwise circle indicating when a task will be completed. Normal tasks will go from 0% to 100% of the circle being illuminated.

Infinite tasks

Infinite tasks are a special type of that that automatically repeats itself when finished. These tasks will illuminate the progress display fully no matter their current progress.

The only way to stop an infinite task is to manually cancel it.

Current task

The current task is displayed as text to the right of the progress display and gives a short summary of what the core task is currently doing. If there is no task running on the core it will display Core idle.

Power level

The core's power level determines how fast tasks are completed and is represented as a number in Mhz (megahertz). Infinite tasks are affected by additional megahertz even though their progress is obscured.


To upgrade a core's power level you need to run a long overclock task. This will double the core's current power level each time it is run.

Cores that have been purchased after unlocking an overclock upgrade will automatically be upgraded as far as they can. For example, if you have one core that can be overclocked once then buying a new core will automatically overclock once without needing to run a task.

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