Setup Overview - movitto/omega GitHub Wiki
At a high level, these are the steps required to setup Omega
Install Dependencies and Omega Components
See Install document for details on installing Omega dependencies and components on your platform of choice.
Running omega-server
The main simulation can be launched with
ruby -Ilib ./bin/omega-server
Seeding some data
Omega comes with many example scrips which connect to a running server using a privileged account to create cosmos entities as well as ship and stations, and run those according to certain algorithms.
The scripts assume the server is running on localhost at the default port and used the default administrative credentials to login but may be easily modified/extended to point at any Omega installation.
To create a universe run any of the examples from the examples/universes directory:
$ ./examples/universes/small.rb
$ ./examples/universes/medium.rb
$ ./examples/universes/complete.rb
To create a new user, run user.rb with the username, password, starting system (assumed to already have been created) and role list like so:
$ ./examples/user.rb Anubis secret Athena regular_user
This will create the user (Anubis in the example) as well as a few entities ships and a station in the specified system (Athena in the example).
A user's ships and stations can be run in accordance to a simple generic algorithm that will mine resources with miners, attack enemies with corvettes, create new ships with factories, etc, like so:
$ ./example/bot.rb Anubis secret
There are many other examples in the examples directory which may be used to create and manipulate data.
Querying / Manipulating the Universe
A server may be queried and manipulated manually by the commands in the bin/util directory
To gracefully terminate the running server hit CTRL-C or send SIGTERM to the process. Note unless a manual backup operation is run beforehand (see Backup-and-Restore) no data will be persisted to the disk.
Running / Using the Web Frontend
The Omega Web Frontend is covered in another section of this wiki.