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Some text here (Morin et al. 2010)
More here (Ritz et al. 2009)


Morin, Ryan D., Nathalie A. Johnson, Tesa M. Severson, Andrew J. Mungall, Jianghong An, Rodrigo Goya, Jessica E. Paul, et al. 2010. “Somatic Mutations Altering EZH2 (Tyr641) in Follicular and Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphomas of Germinal-Center Origin.” Nature Genetics 42 (2): 181–85. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.518.

Ritz, Olga, Chrystelle Guiter, Flavia Castellano, Karola Dorsch, Julia Melzner, Jean-Philippe Jais, Gwendoline Dubois, Philippe Gaulard, Peter Möller, and Karen Leroy. 2009. “Recurrent Mutations of the STAT6 DNA Binding Domain in Primary Mediastinal B-cell Lymphoma.” Blood 114 (6): 1236–42. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood-2009-03-209759.

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