KMT2D - morinlab/LLMPP GitHub Wiki

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KMT2D (also known as MLL2) encodes a histone H3K4 methyltransferase, playing a crucial role in germinal center B cell development and function. Mutations in KMT2D are among the most common mutations in FL and are also common in DLBCL.1 KMT2D mutations are recurrent but less common in BL and MCL and many other B-cell neoplasms. Mutations typically cause loss of KMT2D function, leading to diminished H3K4 methylation, impacting gene expression that favours lymphomagenesis. KMT2D mutations are associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL.2,3


First identified as mutated in DLBCL and FL in 2011 by Morin et al.1 Mutations were later described in MCL in 2013 by Bea et al.4 KMT2D mutations were later reported in BL by Grande et al.5

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    title Publication timing
      2011-07-27 : Morin : FL
      2012-08-27 : Rossi : MZL
      2013-11-05 : Bea : MCL
      2019-03-21 : Grande : BL
      2019-08-20 : Desch : PMBL

Relevance tier by entity

Entity Tier Description
MZL 1 high-confidence MZL gene[@rossiCodingGenomeSplenic2012c]
PMBL 2 relevance in PMBL/cHL/GZL not firmly established[@deschGenotypingCirculatingTumor2020]
FL 1 high-confidence FL gene [@morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011]
DLBCL 1 high-confidence DLBCL gene[@morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011]
BL 1 high-confidence BL gene [@grandeGenomewideDiscoverySomatic2019]
MCL 1 high-confidence MCL gene [@beaLandscapeSomaticMutations2013]

Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)

Entity source frequency (%)
FL GAMBL genomes 67.67
DLBCL GAMBL genomes 33.46
DLBCL Schmitz cohort 34.47
DLBCL Reddy cohort 22.32
DLBCL Chapuy cohort 26.07
BL GAMBL genomes+capture 11.32
BL Thomas cohort 14.00
BL Panea cohort 15.80
MCL GAMBL genomes 16.59

Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates

Entity aSHM Significant selection dN/dS (missense) dN/dS (nonsense)
BL No Yes 0.689 13.459
DLBCL No Yes 3.731 104.190
FL No Yes 20.755 1353.812

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KMT2D Expression


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