JAK3 - morinlab/LLMPP GitHub Wiki

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Mutations in this gene were first described in DLBCL in 2013[@zhangGeneticHeterogeneityDiffuse2013] and by the same group in a subsequent study.[@reddyGeneticFunctionalDrivers2017] It remains in Tier 2 because other exome and genome-wide studies of DLBCL did not reproduce this observation.


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    title Publication timing
      2013-01-01 : Zhang : DLBCL

Relevance tier by entity

Entity Tier Description
DLBCL 2 relevance in DLBCL not firmly established[@zhangGeneticHeterogeneityDiffuse2013]

Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)

Entity source frequency (%)
DLBCL GAMBL genomes 1.34
DLBCL Schmitz cohort 1.28
DLBCL Reddy cohort 1.00
DLBCL Chapuy cohort NA

Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates

Entity aSHM Significant selection dN/dS (missense) dN/dS (nonsense)
BL No No 1.034 0
DLBCL No No 0.000 0
FL No No 0.000 0

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JAK3 Expression
