EBF1 - morinlab/LLMPP GitHub Wiki

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EBF1 is a critical transcription factor in early B-cell development, regulating the expression of key genes involved in B-cell differentiation, survival, and function. EBF1 is essential for proper B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling.1 Mutations in EBF1 can impair BCR signaling pathways, affecting B-cell survival and proliferation.1 EBF1 is one of a number of genes affected by aberrant somatic hypermutation in B-cell lymphomas, which complicates the interpretation of mutations at this locus. This gene has some recurrent sites of mutations (hot spots) but the mutation pattern in DLBCL and FL implies the preferential accumulation of inactivating mutations.


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    title Publication timing
2012-10-01 : Bohle : DLBCL
2013-08-15 : Morin : DLBCL
2015-02-12 : Reichel : PMBL
2017-05-01 : Albuquerque : DLBCL
2017-10-10 : Reddy : DLBCL
2018-05-01 : Chapuy : DLBCL
2018-10-01 : Arthur : DLBCL
2021-05-05 : Hubschmann : DLBCL

Relevance tier by entity

Entity Tier Description
PMBL 1 high-confidence PMBL/cHL/GZL gene[@reichelFlowSortingExome2015a]
DLBCL 1-a aSHM target and high-confidence DLBCL gene [@bohleRoleEarlyBcell2013; @albuquerqueEnhancingKnowledgeDiscovery2017a; @morinMutationalStructuralAnalysis2013]
FL 1-a aSHM target and high-confidence FL gene
BL 2-a aSHM target; Although recurrent, the relevance of mutations in BL is tenuous [@thomasGeneticSubgroupsInform2023]

Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)

Entity source frequency (%)
BL GAMBL genomes+capture 2.08
BL Thomas cohort 1.30
BL Panea cohort 5.90
DLBCL GAMBL genomes 8.99
DLBCL Schmitz cohort 10.85
DLBCL Reddy cohort 8.81
DLBCL Chapuy cohort 12.82
FL GAMBL genomes 8.55

Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates

Entity aSHM Significant selection dN/dS (missense) dN/dS (nonsense)
BL Yes No 2.304 0.000
DLBCL Yes Yes 11.910 66.114
FL Yes Yes 17.826 91.742

aSHM regions

chr_name hg19_start hg19_end region regulatory_comment
chr5 158500476 158532769 TSS active_promoter

EBF1 Hotspots

Chromosome Coordinate (hg19) ref>alt HGVSp
chr5 158526467 C>T S7N
chr5 158526456 T>C S11G
chr5 158526413 T>C N25S
chr5 158511720 T>C N147D
chr5 158511714 C>T E149K
chr5 158511705 G>C R152G
chr5 158511698 A>C L154W
chr5 158511677 C>A C161F
chr5 158500470 C>T R163H
chr5 158500468 A>G C164R
chr5 158500467 C>G C164S

View coding variants in ProteinPaint hg19 or hg38

View all variants in GenomePaint hg19 or hg38

EBF1 Expression


  1. *Györy I, Boller S, Nechanitzky R, Mandel E, Pott S, Liu E, Grosschedl R. Transcription factor Ebf1 regulates differentiation stage-specific signaling, proliferation, and survival of B cells. Genes Dev. 2012 Apr 1;26(7):668-82. doi: 10.1101/gad.18$
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