CD79B - morinlab/LLMPP GitHub Wiki

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CD79B mutations significantly contribute to the pathogenesis of DLBCL by enhancing BCR signaling and promoting tumor survival. These mutations, especially when co-occurring with MYD88 mutations, define a unique molecular subtype.[@wrightProbabilisticClassificationTool2020] This has clinical and therapeutic implications as it may contribute sensitivity to BTK inhibitors. In an inducible mouse model of MYD88-driven DLBCL, CD79B mutations did not accelerate lymphomagenesis but demonstrated an increased sensitivity to pharmacological BTK inhibition.[@flumannInducibleCd79bMutation2024] In a retrospective analysis, younger patients with MCD DLBCL that were treated with ibrutinib had significantly better outcomes.[@wilsonEffectIbrutinibRCHOP2021b] The most common hotspot mutation in CD79B is at the tyrosine residue 196 (Y196). This and other common mutations primarily occur in the immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) domain and prevent the negative regulatory feedback provided by Lyn kinase thereby enhancing BCR signaling.[@kimCD79BMYD88Mutations2014; @davisChronicActiveBcellreceptor2010]


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    title Publication timing
2011-07-27 : Morin : DLBCL
2012-03-06 : Lohr : DLBCL
2013-01-01 : Zhang : DLBCL
2013-08-15 : Morin : DLBCL
2017-05-01 : Albuquerque : DLBCL
2017-10-10 : Reddy : DLBCL
2018-04-12 : Schmitz : DLBCL
2018-05-01 : Chapuy : DLBCL
2018-10-01 : Arthur : DLBCL
      2019-09-26 : Panea : BL

Relevance tier by entity

Entity Tier Description
DLBCL 1-EE high-confidence DLBCL gene with functional evidence[@davisChronicActiveBcellreceptor2010] [@morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011]
FL 2 relevance in FL not firmly established
BL 3 Retired, Failed QC[@paneaWholeGenomeLandscape2019]

Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)

Entity source frequency (%)
BL GAMBL genomes+capture 1.39
BL Thomas cohort 0.00
BL Panea cohort 4.00
DLBCL GAMBL genomes 9.94
DLBCL Schmitz cohort 14.89
DLBCL Reddy cohort 8.31
DLBCL Chapuy cohort 15.38
FL GAMBL genomes 2.77

Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates

Entity aSHM Significant selection dN/dS (missense) dN/dS (nonsense)
BL No No 0.000 0.000
DLBCL No Yes 16.616 41.932
FL No No 10.310 0.000

CD79B Hotspots

Mutations at Y196 enhance B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling by preventing the negative regulatory feedback provided by Lyn kinase, a feedback inhibitor of BCR signaling. This results in continuous activation of the NF-ÎșB pathway, promoting tumor cell survival and proliferation.4

Chromosome Coordinate (hg19) ref>alt HGVSp
chr17 62007234 C>G A150P
chr17 62007234 C>T A150T
chr17 62007233 G>A A150V
chr17 62007140 A>G L181P
chr17 62007129 C>T X184_splice
chr17 62006798 T>A Y197F
chr17 62006798 T>C Y197C
chr17 62006799 A>C Y197D
chr17 62006799 A>G Y197H
chr17 62006798 T>G Y197S
chr17 62006795 T>C E198G
chr17 62006680 A>G L200P
chr17 62006680 A>C L200R
chr17 62006680 A>T L200Q
chr17 62006603 G>A H226Y
chr17 62006603 G>T H226N

View coding variants in ProteinPaint hg19 or hg38

View all variants in GenomePaint hg19 or hg38

CD79B Expression

Representative Mutations


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