CD70 - morinlab/LLMPP GitHub Wiki

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CD70 is a costimulatory molecule expressed on some activated lymphocytes and has a role in T-cell-mediated immune responses. CD70 aberrations are relatively common in DLBCL and appear more frequent in certain DLBCL patient populations. For instance, in a Chinese DLBCL cohort, 24% of cases exhibited CD70 genetic changes, compared to 10.8% in a Swedish cohort.[@nieDualRoleCD702022b] CD70 mutations are associated with the BN2 genetic subtype of DLBCL.[@wrightProbabilisticClassificationTool2020] The mutation pattern in CD70 is consistent with the preferential accumulation of inactivating mutations. Genetic perturbation limits the development of an effective CD8+ T-cell immune response in Bcl6-driven DLBCL. [@nieDualRoleCD702022b] In mouse models, CD70 loss promoted lymphomagenesis, consistent with its role as a tumor suppressor gene in B-cell lymphomas.[@mandatoAbstractA38Cd702022]


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    title Publication timing
2011-07-27 : Morin : DLBCL
2012-03-06 : Lohr : DLBCL
2013-08-15 : Morin : DLBCL
2017-05-01 : Albuquerque : DLBCL
2017-10-10 : Reddy : DLBCL
2018-04-12 : Schmitz : DLBCL
2018-05-01 : Chapuy : DLBCL
      2023-07-26 : Russler-Germain : FL

Relevance tier by entity

Entity Tier Description
DLBCL 1 high-confidence DLBCL gene [@morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011]
FL 2 relevance in FL not firmly established[@russler-germainMutationsAssociatedProgression2023b]

Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)

Entity source frequency (%)
DLBCL GAMBL genomes 5.54
DLBCL Schmitz cohort 9.36
DLBCL Reddy cohort 6.91
DLBCL Chapuy cohort 7.69
FL GAMBL genomes 1.15
BL GAMBL genomes+capture 0.92
BL Thomas cohort 0.40
BL Panea cohort 3.00

Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates

Entity aSHM Significant selection dN/dS (missense) dN/dS (nonsense)
BL No No 2.199 0.000
DLBCL No Yes 28.493 249.836
FL No No 0.000 106.251

CD70 Hotspots

Chromosome Coordinate (hg19) ref>alt HGVSp
chr19 6590145 C>T W55*
chr19 6590138 C>T A58T
chr19 6590138 C>G A58P
chr19 6590137 G>A A58V
chr19 6590116 G>A T65I

View coding variants in ProteinPaint hg19 or hg38

View all variants in GenomePaint hg19 or hg38

CD70 Expression
