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Capture The Sphero


Robotic capture the flag were the flag is a Sphero under the control of the game. Players should be able to use most any robot of appropriate size (about the size of a Sphero). An overhead camera system will track players based on Jerseys.


Like most Capture the Flag games, the goal is to cross to the opposing teams side, get their flag and return with it. In Capture The Sphero capturing the flag will consist of bumping the Sphero. After this it will follow possessing players robot until either they score or the flag is recaptured.


A basic layout would be an Open Arena with two side each containing a teams home.


When a player has possession of the opposing teams Sphero and crossed back their own starting position a point is score and the Sphero returns back to its own starting position. It should be noted the Sphero cannot be recapture until it has returned home.


When a player has the opposing teams Sphero but has not made it home, the owning team can recapture it. From here there can be multiple options based on configuration.

Autonomous Return to Home

When a player recaptures the Sphero from the opposing team, the Sphero will automatically return home. In this mode it should be able to be recapture before arriving. But configurable.

Manual Return to Home

When a player recaptures the Sphero from the opposing team, they gain control of it and must return it home themselves. Once they've returned they relinquish control of the flag and may go on their way. On the way home the Sphero my be recapture as many times as needed for either a safe return or opposing team to score.