Eloquent Plane - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki

The Albued Almantique is a name given to the home of the Gods. This has been translated "The Eloquent Plane", "The Place of Eloquent Speech", and "The Realm of Beautiful Thought," in addition to any number of other names used in various mortal cultures.

It is this place which the Gardener's Order of Impatiens sought, and which the self-styled mystic Jenoh Riess claims to have visited on three separate occasions. Indeed, his manuscript begins, "Having dwelt in the Albued, it is clear our mortal world is but a pale shadow cast by a meaningless fraction of an infinitely greater creation. The gods outnumber us by multitudes, and any illusion that they are few is an artifact of their limited engagement with us, itself an artifact of our own irrelevance. The inhabitants of the Albued are in number and nature beyond any mortal's imagining, comprehension, or possible description. I will recount them now." As Jenoh Riess and his protege, Sirah, are the only mortals to claim direct experience with the Plane, little can be said that does not rely on their accounts.