Chronomancer and or Chronologer - mlichtenstein/13thAgeSK GitHub Wiki
It is recorded that a man named Eswin Zighe was born in the [Splinter Kingdom]] in the final hours of the [9th Age. He was diligent, rising to become one of the foremost thinkers in the Kingdom, as well as a prominent artist.
As a scholar, he studied the science--but not the magic--of time. He became known by the sobriquets "the Chronologer," and later "The Royal Chronologer," though records indicate that no such title was officially bestowed.
As a painter, he pioneered the method of six-dimensional perspective, representing the three typical dimensions, the two magical ones, and time, using media with many fewer. This work earned him fame, many admirers, and many more critics, as the practice of artistically engaging with magical dimensions was not well received or understood. Until his death, he maintained that artistic depiction of magic dimensions does not involve magic, but merely the illusion of magic.
During the life of the Chronologer, there appeared a second man who by many accounts was his intellectual match. This man claimed past work with the Tieflings and pursued an understanding of time which included magical inquiries. His name was also Eswin Zighe. Perhaps unsurprisingly, many in the Kingdom suspected they may have been the same person. Many more simply assumed as much because they weren't paying much attention or because the nuance of the situation escaped them. However, this Eswin Zighe stated on many occasions that he was not the Chronologer, and instead choose to style himself "The Chronomancer." In an attempt to reconcile the confusion, the two appeared together publicly and sought an audience with The Crusader, but were rebuffed.
In an effort to quell growing uncertainty about this man or men, the Zealot Inquisitors declared that all time-related work was magic and therefore forbidden. An Eswin Zighe was tried, convicted, and executed. In the trial, he was asked if he was the Chronologer or the Chronomancer, but he claimed he was neither. He recanted all prior claims about time, art, and science. He was asked about his relationship to Tieflings, and replied that he had offered some instruction. This led to speculation that this Zighe was The Archmage, for which he was convicted and sentenced. At the execution, he was offered the chance to speak final words. His recorded statement is, "This should prove interesting. V-19. S040-M07-T5."
Scattered reports of Eswin Zighe sightings persist to this day.