Tutorial Setup - mlbendall/telescope_tutorial GitHub Wiki

1-iv. Setup for Telescope tutorial

Your Environment

Every time you log in to a *NIX system, your "environment" is populated with various variables and aliases. In addition to your current working directory, these variables will determine what programs and files are available to you. Each user has a script, called .bashrc, that is executed every time she logs in. You can edit this script to alter your environment in a way that is persistent across sessions.

Practical Exercise 1

  • Part 1: Login to ColonialOne and setup your .bashrc
  • Part 2: Create the directories we will be using for today's tutorial

To login to ColonialOne, open a terminal window and use ssh to connect:

ssh [user]@colonialone.gwu.edu

If all goes well, you should see a message indicating that you have logged in.

Next, we are going to set up our .bashrc to load a custom .bashrc designed for this tutorial.

echo 'if [ -f /groups/nixonlab/telescope_tutorial.git/scripts/bashrc ](/mlbendall/telescope_tutorial/wiki/--f-/groups/nixonlab/telescope_tutorial.git/scripts/bashrc-); then
  . /groups/nixonlab/telescope_tutorial.git/scripts/bashrc
fi' >> ~/.bashrc

The custom .bashrc for this tutorial sets a variable, $TELE_ANALYSIS_DIR, that we will use as our analysis directory. To create this directory, simply call mkdir -p on this variable:

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ColonialOne Tutorial Setup Obtain Data