Hardware settings of six wheel platform - mktk1117/six_wheel_robot GitHub Wiki

Needed things

  • six-wheel car platform
  • motor driver x 3
  • Arduino
  • Raspberry Pi
  • cables
  • 12V battery
  • 5V battery
  • USB cable for Arduino
  • Wifi module for Raspberry Pi

Hardware architecture

The whole architecture is like this. ##1. Connect Motor drivers and Arduino Pin names of the motor driver are like below.


Connect Arduino and motor driver as the table below.

Arduino Pin Motor Driver number Motor Driver Pin
3 1 1PWM
2 1 1INA
4 1 1INB
5 1 2PWM
7 1 2INA
8 1 2INB
Arduino Pin Motor Driver number Motor Driver Pin
6 2 1PWM
12 2 1INA
13 2 1INB
9 2 2PWM
A5 2 2INA
A4 2 2INB
Arduino Pin Motor Driver number Motor Driver Pin
10 3 1PWM
A3 3 1INA
A2 3 1INB
11 3 2PWM
A1 3 2INA
A0 3 2INB

2. Connect the battery and motors to motor driver

It would be like this. arduino_connected

3. Connect the Raspberry Pi and its battery

Power source for Raspberry Pi

The gpio pin header is like this. raspi_gpio Connect 5V battery to this DC Power 5V and Ground

Reference: How do I power my Raspberry Pi?


Before connection, it would be like this. rover_needed After connection, if would be like this. all_connected

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