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IL2JS is .NET Framework, which allows to use any .NET language (for example C#) instead of JavaScript on your HTML page

It generates JavaScript, CSS and HTML files from .NET DLL files. It also allows for simple use of synchronous and asynchronous calls of .NET server-side methods, making AJAX and Comet style applications easier. All code before transformation to JavaScript is statically verified and optimized by .NET compiler, and then optimized to use features specific to JavaScript.

  • The main emphasis of project is to make generated JavaScript code as small as possible and allow for aggressive caching of files and data by browsers and proxy servers.
  • Second point of project is to make Web development easier in single environment (instead of mix of CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and server side scripts) and to remove manually added glue layers (automatic serializations, double form validation, error handling(partial)).

Generated JavaScript code uses prototype.js library. You can easily use other libraries in your code.

We are supporting both MS .NET 3.0 environment, as well Mono 2.4, and newer versions.

Main features

  • Use any .NET language and run it in browser
    • Main development of IL2JS is done for C# (operators, some syntax), but You can use other .NET languages (J#, VB.NET, Boo, Nemerle, etc.)
    • Fast and compact Virtual Machine which interprets code generated from .NET assemblies
    • All major web browser engines
      • Firefox 3+,
      • Opera 9.6+,
      • Safari,
      • Chrome,
      • IE 7 (with some small exceptions, see known issues),
      • other browsers supporting JavaScript 1.5 standards.
  • .net syntax - use standard .NET features for programming your web side
  • .net methods - use standard .NET methods, which will be mapped to native JavaScript calls (extendable by you!)
  • ajax - call server-side methods in transparent way
  • exceptions - use standard .NET way for exceptions handling
  • threads - threads emulation for web pages, using standard .NET thread related methods and syntax
  • resources - standard .NET resources support (ie. for localization)
  • dom - easily use standard HTML DOM interfaces to dynamically and statically operate on web page, and interact with it in real time
  • css - intuitive syntax (c# optimalised) for CSS manipulation in both dynamic (client side real time) and static (server side precompilation) form

Known issues can be found here



This framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

You can freely use in unchanged form scripts generated by on-line compiler for any purpose which is not in conflict with the law in your country and the law in Poland.

Adding <a href="https://github.com/mkol/il2js">powered by il2js</a> in footnote on pages generated/enhanced by this framework will be appreciated.

Donation, contribution, etc.

If you find this framework cool and useful and want to support it in any form - you are welcome. Contact me by [email protected].