css - mkol/il2js GitHub Wiki

Allows setting CSS properties to DOM elements at both server and client side.

Server-side usage

private class CssCss : StyleSheet {
  public override IEnumerable<Rule> GetRules() {
	return new[]{
	  // * selector
	  Selector.Universal <= new Style { Color = Color.Red },
	  // DIV selector
	  Selector.Type<Division>() <= new Style { BackgroundColor = Color.Black },
	  // DIV.class1 selector
	  Selector.Type<Division>() * "class1" <= new Style { TextDecoration = TextDecoration.Underline },
// CSS rules returned by CssCss.GetRules will be added as static .css file to this page.
protected void Page_Load() {
/* It wil generate equivalent of this CSS file (but with removed whitespaces, and other tricks to save space).
* {
  color: red;
div {
	background-color: black;
div.class1 {
	text-decoration: underline;

Client-side usage

protected void Page_Load() {
		new Division {
			InnerHTML = "click me",
			// this style will be set at client-side after element is created
			Style = {
				BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
				Cursor = Cursor.Pointer
			// style will be changed at client-side after element is clicked
			OnClick = e => {
			  if (state) {
				e.Element.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0xff);
				state = false;
			  } else {
				e.Element.Style.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(0x00, 0xff, 0x00);
				state = true;
		new Division {
			InnerHTML = "don't click me",
			Style = new Style {
				BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
				Cursor = Cursor.Pointer


The following syntax can be used at both client-side and server-side (see static server-side page rendering dom):

new Division {
	Style = new Style {
		BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
		Cursor = Cursor.Pointer

On the other hand the following syntax can be used only at client side:

new Division {
	Style = {
		BackgroundColor = Color.Green,
		Cursor = Cursor.Pointer
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