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If you haven't read the [[introduction|Tutorial--Introduction]] and [[first example|Tutorial--Example-(Part-1)]] already, it's a good time to do so, as this benchmark description assumes familiarity with the ildl-plugin
This section will show a benchmark we have randomly picked from the Rosetta code repository: The Hamming Numbers benchmark.
The benchmark files are available in the ildl-plugin
repository, in the tests/benchmarks/src/ildl/benchmark/hamming
directory. If you have imported the ildl-*
projects in the Scala IDE, this benchmark is available under the ildl-benchnarks
project, in the src
directory, in package ildl.benchmark.hamming
Hamming numbers are a monotonically increasing sequence of numbers formed using just the prime factors 2, 3 and 5:
H(i,j,k) = 2^i + 3^j + 5^k
The tricky part in generating the sequence of Hamming numbers is that the three factors i
, j
and k
are not monotonically increasing, not even if we sum them up. For example, 4
(which corresponds to factors i=2
, j=0
, k=0
) comes before 5
(which corresponds to factors i=0
, j=0
, k=1
We have taken the 2nd solution on the Rosetta code website:
class Hamming extends Iterator[BigInt] {
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
val q2 = new Queue[BigInt]
val q3 = new Queue[BigInt]
val q5 = new Queue[BigInt]
def enqueue(n: BigInt) = {
q2 enqueue n * 2
q3 enqueue n * 3
q5 enqueue n * 5
def next = {
val n = q2.head min q3.head min q5.head
if (q2.head == n) q2.dequeue
if (q3.head == n) q3.dequeue
if (q5.head == n) q5.dequeue
def hasNext = true
List(q2, q3, q5) foreach (_ enqueue 1)
This code located in HammingNumbers.scala
, in four versions, corresponding to the original code followed by 3 transformed versions (which have the same code, except for the adrt
There is one change we made from the original benchmark: In Scala, the mutable.Queue
only allows queueing a batch of elements, not just one. Since we only enqueue one element at a time, we created an implicit wrapper which adds the enqueue1
// we want to be able to enqueue a single element at once -- please see the
// comment above for the explanation of enqueue1 vs enqueue. Note that we
// have made QueueWithEnqueue1 a value class, thus preventing the creation
// of an object in order to perform the enqueue1 operation:
implicit class QueueWithEnqueue1[T](val q: Queue[T]) extends AnyVal {
def enqueue1(t: T) = q.enqueue(t)
This method, when invoked, prepares a batch of one element and uses the enqueue
method. However, since the code never introduces an improved queue, which can introduce one element at a time, our transformation intercepts the enqueue1
method and uses the more efficient 1-element enqueue
of our data structure.
We will now describe the optimizations that we've done on this code using ildl
Several factors influence the overall speedup. To see how each change influences the performance, we added intermediate steps to the transformation, allowing us to pinpoint exactly which transformation adds more benefit.
The follwing diagram shows the three transformation steps we implemented:
BigInt ===> BigInt ===> java.lang.Long ===> scala.Long
Queue[BigInt] ===> FunnyQueue* ===> FunnyQueue* ===> FunnyQueue*
\ ^ ^ ^
\________________/ / /
\ step1.QueueOfLongAsFunnyQueue / /
\ / /
\ / /
\___________________________/ /
\ step2.BigIntAsLong + /
\ step2.QueueOfLongAsFunnyQueue /
\ /
step3.BigIntAsLong +
* FunnyQueue-s are specialized by hand for the element type
We will now describe each step individually.
As the title suggests, transforming the queue into a circular array-based buffer brought the most benefit, since it achieved two results at once: being backed by a fixed-size array, it both improved locality and reduced access time. However, this fixed-size circular buffer will not be able to handle any random number of elements -- we need to give an upper bound at construction time.
Furthermore, as shown before, Queue.enqueue
takes a batch of elements, which adds further overhead for packing and unpacking them. By intercepting enqueue1
allowed us to specialize the case where we introduce only one element at a time, bringing an overall speedup of 2.4x
to the benchmark.
The FunnyQueue
code is:
/** An array-based ring buffer used as a queue.
* This is the version that stores BigInts. */
class FunnyQueue {
private[this] final val MAX = 6000
private[this] val array = new Array[BigInt](MAX)
private[this] var index_start = 0
private[this] var index_stop = 0
def enqueue(l: BigInt): Unit = {
array(index_stop) = l
index_stop = (index_stop + 1) % MAX
def dequeue(): BigInt = {
val res = array(index_start)
index_start = (index_start + 1) % MAX
def head(): BigInt =
The code is located in FunnyQueue.scala
files attached to each step. Also note that the FunnyQueue
implementation is specialized by hand to the type we're expecting to use.
Since in the first step we're only changing the Queue
implementation, there is a single transformation description in the DescrObject.scala
file corresponding to step1
* A transformation object that transforms the Queue[BigInt] to a [[FunnyQueue]].
* @see the comment in [[ildl.benchmark.hamming.HammingNumbers]] for more information
object QueueOfLongAsFunnyQueue extends TransformationDescription {
// coercions:
def toRepr(in: Queue[BigInt]): FunnyQueue @high =
throw new Exception("We shouldn't need this!")
def toHigh(q: FunnyQueue @high): Queue[BigInt] =
throw new Exception("We shouldn't need this!")
// constructor:
def ctor_Queue(): FunnyQueue @high =
new FunnyQueue()
// extension methods and implicits:
def implicit_QueueWithEnqueue1_enqueue1(q: FunnyQueue @high)(bi: BigInt): Unit = {
def extension_enqueue(q: FunnyQueue @high, bis: BigInt*): Unit = {
// we don't support more than one element :)
assert(bis.size == 1)
val bi = bis.apply(0)
def extension_dequeue(q: FunnyQueue @high): BigInt = q.dequeue()
def extension_head(q: FunnyQueue @high): BigInt = q.head()
The first thing about the FunnyQueue
transformation is that the toHigh
and toRepr
methods are not implemented, instead choosing to throw an exception. In this case, the two conversion methods are only useful to guide the compiler into matching the correct types to transform, but will throw an exception if a FunnyQueue
leaks into the rest of the code.
Right now, we're using a runtime exception to signal the value escaping, but, since this information is available at compile-time, we plan to introduce an annotation which tells the compiler that the conversions should not be introduced, and instead producing a compile-time error explaining how the value leaked outside the transformed scope (or scopes, as we are allowed to pass encoded values among scopes).
Another thing to notice is that the transformation only supports the basic queue operations: head
, enqueue
, enqueue1
and dequeue
. We can get away with this as we don't use the other operations in the example. In a real scenario, the programmer would have to write additional cases for all the desired operations.
In the benchmark, we aim at finding the 10001-th element of the Hamming numbers. For this, there is no need for the full scala.BigInt
range: the long integer suffices. Therefore, this transformation step switched from the scala.BigInt
object (backed by the java.math.BigInteger
) to the java.lang.Long
Reducing the range saves some memory and some cycles when operating on the data, although there's not a lot of saving since both scala.BigInt
and java.lang.Long
are heap-allocated objects. Compared to the last transformation, this only brings a 25% improvement, for a total 3.0x
improvement over the original case.
The FunnyQueue
is now adapted to store java.lang.Long
objects and the there are two transformations:
- one from
(similar to the one above) - one from
, shown below.
* A transformation object that transforms [[BigInt]] values into [[java.lang.Long]]s.
* @see the comment in [[ildl.benchmark.hamming.HammingNumbers]] for more information
object BigIntAsLong extends TransformationDescription {
// coercions:
def toRepr(high: BigInt): Long @high = {
def toHigh(repr: Long @high): BigInt = BigInt(repr)
// extension methods:
def extension_*(recv: Long @high, other: Long @high): Long @high =
// note: Math.multiplyExact requires Java 8
// java.lang.Math.multiplyExact(recv, other)
Long.valueOf(recv.longValue() * other.longValue())
def extension_+(recv: Long @high, other: Long @high): Long @high =
// note: Math.multiplyExact requires Java 8
// java.lang.Math.addExact(recv, other)
Long.valueOf(recv.longValue() + other.longValue())
def extension_==(recv: Long @high, other: Long @high): Boolean =
// note: Math.multiplyExact requires Java 8
// java.lang.Math.addExact(recv, other)
recv == other
def extension_min(recv: Long @high, other: Long @high): Long @high =
if (recv.longValue() < other.longValue())
The two transformations are stored in DescrObject.scala
in package step2
This transformation is interesting for another reason: it is the first one to use nested scopes:
adrt(step2.BigIntAsLong) {
adrt(step2.QueueOfLongAsFunnyQueue) {
class HammingADRT_2 extends Iterator[BigInt] {
val q2 = new Queue[BigInt]
val q3 = new Queue[BigInt]
val q5 = new Queue[BigInt]
def enqueue(n: BigInt) = {
q2 enqueue1 n * 2
q3 enqueue1 n * 3
q5 enqueue1 n * 5
def next = {
val n = q2.head min q3.head min q5.head
if (q2.head == n) q2.dequeue
if (q3.head == n) q3.dequeue
if (q5.head == n) q5.dequeue
def hasNext = true
q2 enqueue 1
q3 enqueue 1
q5 enqueue 1
This snippet of code is taken from the HammingNumbers.scala
The final step to allocate long integers on the stack. To do this, we switch from java.lang.Long
to scala.Long
, which the Scala compiler backend automatically unboxes in method signatures and the underlying array used by the FunnyQueue
data structure.
This brings an additional 33% improvement, for a total of 4.0x
faster execution compared to the original code. What should be noted is the fact that all 4 versions of the code look identical, except for the adrt
Running the benchmark can be done in sbt
$ cd ildl-plugin
$ sbt 'ildl-benchmarks/runMain ildl.benchmark.hamming.BenchmarkRunner'
The results obtained on our test machine are:
| Benchmark | Time | Speedup | Garbage* | GC time* | Garbage+ | GC time+ |
| | (ms) | | (MB) | (ms) | (MB) | (ms) |
| ----------------------- | ---- | ------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| 10001-th number, orig. | 6.56 | none | 0 | 0 | 31 | 11 |
| 10001-th number, step 1 | 2.70 | 2.4x | 0 | 0 | 31 | 11 |
| 10001-th number, step 2 | 2.16 | 3.0x | 0 | 0 | 31 | 12 |
| 10001-th number, step 3 | 1.64 | 4.0x | 0 | 0 | 31 | 10 |
GC pause time during the benchmark run
GC pause time between the benchmark runs (mainly preparing the data)
Conclusion: Using nested scopes allows the code to transform multiple aspects of the code, in this case producing speedups between 2.4x
and 4x
- see the next sample transformation: lazyfying collections
- get back to the home page