OOPSLA ~ Step by step - miniboxing/ildl-plugin GitHub Wiki

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This guide mainly follows the ildl-plugin documentation wiki content (see the Home page). We suggest following the guide in this order, but you start and end wherever you want:

  • The [[introduction|Tutorial--Introduction]] and [[example|Tutorial--Example-(Part-1)]] offer a soft introduction to the project scope and the syntax used. It prepares the ground for understanding ildl transformation objects and their syntax.
  • The four sample transformations correspond to the four benchmarks presented in the paper. However, having much more room compared to the paper, we took our time to describe the problem and the ildl transformations. Therefore, we strongly suggest reading the entire chapter. Furthermore, following OOPSLA reviewer suggestions, we expanded the examples to show intermediate transformations, commenting on the speedup resulting from each transformation, giving a reusable insight into which transformations are most beneficial on the JVM platform.
  • The benchmarks chapter, shows how to run both the four sample transformations locally and the additional two external benchmarks shown in the OOPSLA paper.
  • The in-depth discussions on [[writing transformation objects|Details--Transformation-Description]], [[nesting scopes|Details--Scope-Nesting]] and the object model and generics are probably most interesting for developers trying to use the ildl-plugin in their daily work. These in-depth discussions give an exhaustive walk-through of the key ildl-plugin features.
  • The [hacking the plugin chapter](Transformation Pipeline|Tutorial-~-Transformation) is aimed at other researcher who would like to use the ildl-plugin plugin in their own projects.

Frog Work Ahead Please note that some of the wiki pages are still in flux as we are experimenting with different ways to organize all the material.

We hope you will have a nice time exploring the plugin!

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