Char - mfichman/jogo GitHub Wiki

Represents a single character. The size of this type is always 64-bits. While a String is logically a sequence of characters, its internal representation of a character may is smaller than 64-bits for efficiency, because the String class uses UTF-8 encoding.


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@equal(other Char) Bool

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@less(other Char) Bool

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str?() String

Returns a string representation of this character.

is_alnum?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a letter or a digit.

is_alpha?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is an uppercase or lowercase letter.

is_ctrl?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a control character.

is_digit?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a decimal digit.

is_lower?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a lowercase letter.

is_upper?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is an uppercase letter.

is_print?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a printable character.

is_graph?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a printable character other than a space.

is_xdigit?() Bool

Returns true if 'self' is a hexadecimal digit.

lower?() Char

Returns the upper-case equivalent of 'self'.

upper?() Char

Returns the lower-case equivalent of 'self'.


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