Page Index - mehome/openthos GitHub Wiki
164 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- OTO(OPENTHOS) wiki list
- Getting start
- Download Build Run
- Developers
- Contact
- 2015年本学期项目总结报告
- 2016 plan amdgpu
- 2016 plan customize
- 2016 plan desktop
- 2016 plan displaysystem
- 2016 plan dispset
- 2016 plan hardware
- 2016 plan hd adb
- 2016 plan hd bt
- 2016 plan hd mips 64
- 2016 plan hd power
- 2016 plan hd usb
- 2016 plan hd x86 64
- 2016 plan inputdev
- 2016 plan net
- 2016 plan printer
- 2016 plan security
- 2016 plan softeng
- 2016 plan software
- 2016 plan sound
- 2016 plan testing
- 2016 plan timer
- 2016 plan VI
- 2016 plan video
- 2016 work manpower plan
- 2016 work manpower plan en
- 2016 work small plan
- 2016 work small plan en
- 20160422 openthos ui discuss
- 20160425 openthos need discuss
- 20160425 openthos ui discuss
- Android CM CyanogenMod
- Android CM CyanogenMod
- Android Multi Window
- android source tree
- android x86 4.4 build iso
- android x86 5.1 build iso
- android x86 6.0 build iso
- android x86 6.0 change hzw log
- android x86 6.0 change log
- android x86 install guide
- android x86 iso custom
- android x86 make iso
- android x86 介绍
- android x86 源码获取
- android x86_diff_aosp 6.0
- android x86_iso_img_make
- android x86小问题tips
- AOSP 6.0 x86_64 kernel 3.10 in ubuntu 15.04
- archieves
- book list
- buglist 20160429
- build kernel cmds
- Building the System(lollipop x86)
- cts测试
- customize daily report
- customized design
- daily_report_chyz
- data related
- develop_introductioin
- developer list
- developers 201608
- docker ubuntu 14.04 for aosp 5x
- Download_Build_Run_OTO
- Downloading the source
- drm ksm related analysis
- Establishing a Build Environment
- Establishing a Build Environment(lollipop x86)
- fengjinyang
- fengjinyang diary log
- fgl QA
- first stage 4months plan
- fuguilong
- fuguilong daily report
- get dmesg logcat info android x86
- github usages
- gpt相关简介
- gpu fb startup analysis
- gpu_passthrough
- haldiff about two file
- Home old
- Home zh_CN
- How to Building the System
- How to get an openthos image
- How to Run the System
- HowToIntergateGapps
- analysis
- Installation and Running OpenThOs img
- jargon explain
- joinus
- Known Issues
- mesa analysis
- new machine 说明
- new_task
- newideas
- News
- opengrok环境搭建
- openthos goal en
- openthos goal old en
- openthos smallgoal
- openthos smallgoal en
- openthos user requirement
- openthos的目标
- oto monthly plan 201608
- oto monthly plan 201609
- oto setting customizing
- plan first year
- plan next
- problems
- process for xiezhongtian
- progress before 20160115
- progress before 20160115 en
- progress before 20160415
- progress before 20160423
- progress before 20160531
- progress before 20160630
- progress before 20160730
- ProgressList
- qemu kvm related
- recovery_for_windows
- related problems
- repo git some usages
- repo usage
- requestBuufer
- Requirements
- Secure Boot
- summary before 20160115
- Talk with chazhuo
- testing daily report
- tips on using wiki
- Troubleshooting
- uefi in qemu kvm
- understand android
- understand android x86
- understand kernel panic
- understand properties
- virtio gpu
- wimlib analysis
- wimlib静态链接
- 刘明明
- 刘明明 一铭软件
- 可用性分析 win10 v.s. oto vs 竞品
- 学期总结_chyz
- 年终总结_baojunzheng
- 年终总结_chenyu
- 年终总结_chyz
- 年终总结_fengjinyang
- 年终总结_fuguilong
- 年终总结_xiezhongtian
- 年终总结_xiezhongtian
- 王进钊
- 编译环境搭建指南(Establishing a Build Environment Guide)
- 罗浩
- 荔建琦
- 谢仲天
- 陈一璋
- 陈渝