Commands - mdsimmo/bomberman GitHub Wiki

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bm create <game> -[g|w|t|s]

Creates a new game named game. One of the flags must be used to specify how to build the arena


  • -w: Create an arena using the current World Edit wand selection.
  • -s=<file>: Use a schematic saved by World Edit
  • -g:<game>: Copy an existing game
  • -t:<name>: copy a game in the templates folder
Bomberman templates are saved in plugins/Bomberman/games/templates/. WorldEdit schematics are saved in plugins/WorldEdit/schematics/

Also see Schematics for arena requirements.


bm delete <game>

Deletes a game permanently. Cannot be undone.


bm undo <game>

Deletes a game permanently and reverts the world to before the schematic was built. Cannot be undone.

The state of the world pre-building is only kept on the server for 10 minutes, after which, the command will no longer be usable.

The command only stores games that were built using a schematic file (i.e. will not work with games built using a wand)


bm start <game> [-d=<delay>]

Starts a game


  • -d: set the count down delay time in seconds


bm stop <game>

Stops a game running. Kicks all players out. This will normally happen once all players have died.


bm join <game>

Teleports the player into a spawn point. The contents of the player inventory will be restored when they leave.


  • -t=<target>: Applies the command to the specified target. All target selectors are supported. E.g: /bm join @p[distance=..10]. Requires additional permission of bomberman.join.remote which, by default, is given only to ops.


bm leave

Leave the currently joined game. Returns the spawn inventory to the player.


  • -t=<target>: Applies the command to the specified target. All target selectors are supported. E.g: /bm join @p[distance=..10]. Requires additional permission of bomberman.leave.remote which, by default, is given only to ops.


bm list

Lists all games.


bm info <game>

Displays information about the game.


bm configure <game>

Opens a interface that allows editing of all game settings.


bm reload <game>

Reloads the games configuration file from disk. Also stops the game (if running) and rebuilds the arena.

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