Page Index - mdedwards/slippery-chicken GitHub Wiki
25 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- aquamacs customisation (by Dan Ross)
- combining bars
- combining chopped and unchopped rthm seq palettes
- empty bars
- graphics files as marks
- How can I 'roll my own' slippery chicken?
- how can i change pitches algorithmically?
- how can I change the default directory for output?
- how can I change the range of instruments in the standard instrument palette?
- how can I edit the PDF files created by Lilypond or CMN using Inkscape?
- how can I stop (or start) slippery chicken from opening score files automatically?
- how can I use clm play like a sampler?
- how do I make a one note rthm seq with a chord?
- how do I output to Csound or some other system?
- how to install slippery chicken 'by hand'
- sc as cac (computer aided composition) by Rafael Valdez
- set limits by section
- three‐quarter tone accidentals
- tuplets with colons
- updating sbcl & slippery chicken
- using github
- what to do when lilypond fails? (by Ruben Philipp)
- which instruments are available in the standard instrument palette?
- workflow (by Dan Ross)