Email - mcordell/grape_token_auth GitHub Wiki
In order to send emails from GrapeTokenAuth (e.g. for password resets), email will have to be properly configured. Out of the box, GrapeTokenAuth supports simple SMTP mail for the mail gem, however the mailer and messages can also be configured and customized to your liking.
Simple SMTP setup
GrapeTokenAuth thinly wraps the mail gem's SMTP class which is used to send simple SMTP messages. The SMTP settings can be set during configuration as so:
GrapeTokenAuth.config do |config|
config.smtp_configuration = {
:address => "",
:port => 587,
:domain => '',
:user_name => 'some username',
:password => 'some password',
:authentication => 'plain',
:enable_starttls_auto => true
Customizing the Messages
GrapeTokenAuth defines two standard messages, the password reset email and the confirmation message. The easiest way to override the message is to subclass the message class as so:
class MyResetEmail < GrapeTokenAuth::PasswordResetEmail
TEXT_TEMPLATE = File.expand_path('../path_to_my_template.text.erb', __FILE__)
Here, the ERB template of the text message is being overridden. GrapeTokenAuth can be told to use this custom class during configuration as so:
GrapeTokenAuth.setup! do |config|
config.messages = GrapeTokenAuth::Mail::DEFAULT_MESSAGES.merge(reset_password_instructions: MyResetEmail)
Overriding the Mailer
While sending messages with SMTP is nice, often we want to use other mail
services. Creating a new mailer is straight forward, a mailer should define
a class method send!
which accepts a message object and a hash of options.
Typically, it is a good practice to utilize the html_body
and text_body
methods of the message object. An example of creating a mailer can be found
here. Once the mailer is defined, GrapeTokenAuth can be
instructed to use the mailer during setup:
GrapeTokenAuth.setup! do |config|
config.mailer = MailgunMailer