Configuration - mcordell/grape_token_auth GitHub Wiki
GrapeTokenAuth provides many options to configure your authentication scheme. Generally, you will want to configure GrapeTokenAuth before the grape APIs and token authentication will be used. It is essential that, at minimum, mappings are setup in the configuration and a secret is set. These options can be set via a block as so:
GrapeTokenAuth.configure |config|
config.mappings = { user: User }
config.secret = '1ddf793cb39f59ee4720b9b0cb513cb0d3ea2fecd312bd7251c77e15351356dc230b0cf0d364be8a6df8143767459717101640a5c5f1794cbfbd166347b9aa49'
Note on Secret : generate a unique secret using rake secret
in a rails app
or via these directions.
Refer to the table below for configuration options:
Configuration Key | Description | Default |
token_lifespan |
time span that GTA tokens are valid for | two weeks |
batch_request_ buffer_throttle |
timeframe in which a subsequent requests are considered "batch" requests | five seconds |
change_headers_on_each_request |
whether new auth headers / tokens are created on each request | true |
mappings |
scope to class mappings | an empty a hash |
redirect_whitelist |
array of urls that are allowed to be redirected to after authentication requests | nil |
param_white_list |
hash where key is the scope and value is array of attributes that are permitted to be set on a resource | nil |
authentication_keys |
array of attributes that can be used to find a resource | [:email] |
omniauth_prefix |
url prefix where omniauth and related callbacks are mounted, this will become the OmniAuth::config.path_prefix | '/omniauth' |
ignore_default_ serialization_blacklist |
when set to true, the default serialization blacklist is not applied only use this when you need to serialize an attribute that is in the default list | false |
additional_ serialization_blacklist |
list of attributes that should be ignored when serializing an object | an empty Array |
from_address |
the "from" email for authentication emails | nil |
default_url_options |
url hash for creating urls in auth emails, see HTTP | an empty hash |
mailer |
Mailer class used to send emails | SMTPMailer |
default_password_reset_url |
default redirect url if not provided in password reset params | nil |
smtp_configuration |
SMTP configuration hash for SMTP mailer, see SMTP | an empty hash |
secret |
Random Hex String used to salt key generation | nil |
digest |
default digest method, see HMAC | SHA256 |
messages |
message classes that are used to create emails, see DEFAULT_MESSAGES | GrapeTokenAuth::Mail::DEFAULT_MESSAGES |
Param/Attribute white listing
During resource creation/updating it is possible to allow other attributes on
the model to be set. In order to do this, set the param_white_list
on the
configuration object. the value should be a hash where the key is the scope of
the resource and value is an array of attributes that can be set. For example:
GrapeTokenAuth.configure do |config|
config.param_white_list = [:favorite_color]
This would allow the favorite_color attribute to set during registration.
Serialization and serialization blacklist
There are several columns that reasonably should not be included when the resource object is serialized. GrapeTokenAuth defaults to excluding these columns:
- encrypted_password
- reset_password_token
- reset_password_sent_at
- remember_created_at
- sign_in_count
- current_sign_in_at
- last_sign_in_at
- current_sign_in_ip
- last_sign_in_ip
- password_salt
- confirmation_token
- confirmed_at
- confirmation_sent_at
- remember_token
- unconfirmed_email
- failed_attempts
- unlock_token
- locked_at
- tokens
If you would like to exclude additional columns, set the
on the configuration object. The value
should be an array of columns not to be serialized. If you would like to not
include the default blacklist, set the ignore_default_serialization_blacklist
config value to false. At that point you can define your own blacklist using the
. For example:
GrapeTokenAuth.configure do |config|
config.additional_serialization_blacklist = [:favorite_color]
This would exclude all of the default columns and the favorite_color
GrapeTokenAuth.configure do |config|
config.ignore_default_serialization_blacklist = false
config.additional_serialization_blacklist = [:tokens, :favorite_color]
The above would exclude only tokens
and favorite_color
columns during