Page Index - mcmhav/muchBazar GitHub Wiki
28 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- [Evaluation] A New Rank Correlation Coefficient for Information Retrieval
- [Evaluation] Direct optimization of ranking measures
- [Evaluation] Evaluation of recommender systems: A new approach
- [Evaluation] Information Retrieval
- [Evaluation] PRES: A Score Metric for Evaluating Recall Oriented Information Retrieval Applications
- [Explanation] Explaining Recommendations: Satisfaction vs. Promotion
- [Fashion] A Theory on Fashion Consumption
- [Fashion] An Intelligent Personalized Fashion Recommendation System
- [Fashion] Fashion Coordinates Recommender System Using Photographs from Fashion Magazines
- [Fashion] Fashion marketing and theory
- [Fashion] How Customers Think
- [Fashion] SuitUp!
- [Fashion] The Psychology and Behavior of Consumers in the Fashion Industry
- [Implicit feedback] Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets
- [OCCF] GBPR: Group Preference Based Bayesian Personalized Ranking for One Class Collaborative Filtering
- [OCCF] Improving One Class Collaborative Filtering by Incorporating Rich User Information
- [OCCF] One Class Collaborative Filtering
- [OCCF] One Class Matrix Completion with Low Density Factorizations
- [OCCF] Weighted Low Rank Approximations
- [Recommender system] A Framework for Collaborative, Content Based and Demographic Filtering
- [Social Network] A Survey on the Relationship between Trust and Interest Similarity in Online Social Networks
- [Social Network] Social Network Profiles as Taste Performances
- [Social Network] Trust and Nuanced Profile Similarity in Online Social Networks
- Implicit Feedback Recommendation via Implicit to Explicit Ordinal Logistic Regression Mapping
- Query Chains: Learning to Rank from Implicit Feedback
- Top N Recommendations from Implicit Feedback leveraging Linked Open Data
- Walk the Talk (Analyzing the relation between implicit and explicit feedback for preference elicitation)