Quickstart Pre built Applications - mchpgfx/legato.docs GitHub Wiki

Microchip Technology Quickstart Prebuilt Applications

Quickstart prebuilt applications let you start with MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite in about 30 seconds. These applications should give you a ready-made starting point for writing your graphics apps with MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite.

These applications were created using Microchip supported development boards.

To find a detailed description of these applications, see Examples and Demonstrations.

Follow the steps below to run a quickstart application.

Step 1: Get the Quickstart app

  1. Download the applicable repositories.

Step 2: Import the Quickstart app

  1. Open the MPLAB® X IDE and select File->Open Project

Microchip Technology

  1. Navigate to the apps/legato_quickstart/firmware and select one of the MPLAB® X quickstart projects. Then click the Open Project button.

  2. Under Projects, right-click project name, select Set as Main Project.

Step 3. Program Device

  1. Clean and build your application by clicking the Clean and Build button below.

Microchip Technology

  1. Program your application to the device by clicking the Make and Program button below.

Microchip Technology

  1. Observe in the MPLABX console output window for successful deployment.

  2. Review the Quickstart application documentation to confirm matching output on display.

Next Steps

If you are new to MPLAB® Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials:

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